Thursday, March 01, 2007

Enter the View

Jenna: Tell me when what I say is going to be written down, because I like to know these things.

Calyn: Okay. Hey Jenna, how do you feel about Justin Timberlake? (listening to Justin Timberlake.)

J: Is what I say being written down?

C: It's not being written.

J: I'm going to be completely honest, when his songs come on the radio, I say "yea." Once an N'Sync fan, always an N'Sync fan. Where are the measuring spoons in this house? Where's the baking soda?

C: You know, it's never anybody's birthday on facebook that I know. It's all the people that, you know, I met once on a retreat somewhere and I've never talked to again. Tomorrow's my mom's birthday. But she's not on facebook.

J: I've got "Bringing Sexy Back" in my head. You've gotta do something about this.

C: Shhh, Kenley hates that song. He thought he brought sexy back. I drank a lot of coffee today.

J: Why are you so tired then?

C: I don't know. I think coffee might have a negative effect on me. Like, do you ever drink coffee and feel tired?

J: No.

C: Oh. Well, neither do I...

J: Ahhh! I just got imitation vanilla on me!

C: Why isn't it white?

J: Okay, you obviously never cook.

C: Jenna, why bake cookies when you can buy break & bake in the freezer section?

J: Because these are so much better and I like making them.

C: sigh. How come Diane doesn't have any CD's so I can burn one?

J: She has a flash drive.

C: How do you use a floppy disk? The movie's over. I can't get up.

J: Me neither.

C: What's your excuse? I've got two busted up knees.

J: I'm really, really comfortable.

C: It's 1:31, Jenna.

J: I know. I'm really tired. I wanna go home but I'm really tired. You know all those times we talk about teleporting? Yeah, that'd be good right now. Except that if we had a limited number, I wouldn't want to use this as one of my good ones.

C: Lori was just talking to me about that.

J: She deserves teleporting more than I do.

C: That's a sweet sacrifice.

J: That doesn't mean she gets it.

C: You know, I haven't been geography...been to geography in like 3 weeks.

J: I've never been geography? Me neither.

C: It's late, Jenna. I hope I'm not missing anything important.

J: I didn't go to geography for a long time, but then I got a C. Don't follow in my footsteps young Padowan.

C: Is that from from Starwars? How do you spell that?

J: I don't know, but David will kill you if it's not spelled right.

C: I don't really care. I can take him.

J: Refering to my light fixture. Is that the same light cover that almost killed you when it fell?

C: Um, no, that one broke.

J: Yes, I know, but it looks the same. Oh my gosh, I think I just put my foot in icecream! Oh crap, I did.

C: Better icecream than a George Foreman.

J: Eeeewww, this is icky. We need to get this off the blanket.

C: I can't get up. I'm handicapped.

J: You're handi-Calyn. Bahahahaha. I don't even know what that means.

C: It's not even funny.

J: I know. Then why are we laughing so hard?

C: Okay, nobody can do anything fun tomorrow because I have to study.

J: Well, we probably won't because David's got Navigators so you know he'll be a bum.

C: No, he'll probably hit someone's car...

J: And I mean that in the best possible way.

C: Exactly...sorry, David. We need to end this interview.

J: Sounds like a good ending to me.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

I know this is year late... but ya'll are too funny...