Friday, October 05, 2007

See ya!

Over by the music building yesterday I overheard a man say to his blind friend, "See ya tomorrow." The blind man replied, "Yeah, see ya."

Call me a horrible person, but I was very amused by this.

(Plus, I figure few blind people read my blog anyway, so they will not be offended.)

In case you guys missed it, yesterday was the 50th anniversary of Sputnik 1. I imagine the launching of Sputnik 1 was quite distressing to the United States, since its R-7 launch vehicle was designed to carry nuclear warheads, but as I was not here then, to me it just looks like a cool spider thing.

Sputnik 5 was the mission that carried Belka and Strelka, the Soviet dogs. They were super cute.

Unlike Belka and Strelka, I like to keep my feet firmly planeted on terra firma. Well, maybe not on just the ground, but defnitely in this atmosphere. I don't think that's too much to ask. I like space. I like looking at it. I'd rather not be in it. I mean, what does space have? Aliens, death, destruction... There's no gravity, no air, no food, no Walmarts. Why would anyone want to go there except for sinister reasons like to blow other countries up? I tell you, no good can come of it.

I'm excited about the game tomorrow. Melissa got me super great seats. Unlike the USF game, I will actually be able to see the players this time. (Just kidding, Dad. The seats were great...)

Happy October, everybody!

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