Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Baby, It's Cold Outside

It has happened. For the first time since September, I have woken up as something other than a shivering mass under a pile of blankets. Space heaters are magical things. This tiny 25-year-old box is able to predict when the exact right time it right to begin showering me with warm air. I'll take the risk of having it burn the house down any day. (Besides, it's Todd's house.) Waking up warm puts a new outlook on one's life. Coffee can be enjoyed as a delicious beverage instead of as something to thaw out your insides. I like it.

Tonight I am going on a roadtrip to rescue my wallet from the Greensboro Chevron at Exit 174. Here is the story:

You see, we all went on a camping trip Thursday night at Torreya State Park. (I highly recommend it. Ranger Dennis is super great.) In Greensboro there is a Chevron station where me, Lori, James and Jenna can take our Express Lane cups and get 50 cent refills. (I also highly recommend this. 50 cent refills are the best thing since sliced bread.) So we stopped in and I brought my wallet to pay for my refill, only, the Greensboro Chevron sucks and the drink machine was out. A very incompetant lady told me, "Oh. Yeah. We were gonna fix that." Man, that lady deserves a raise. So, rather disgruntled, James, Lori, Jenna and I left the Chevron.

Along with my wallet.

My beautiful X-men wallet that Sarah Wirgau gave me was left on the edge of the drink machine.
So when we got to Tallahassee and stopped at my Chevron to get refills, my stomach dropped and I realized that I had left it on the counter. I called the Greensboro Chevron and was told by the same incompetant lady that my wallet had been stolen. She had looked for it and it was gone. I left her my number and she took it rather reluctantly, assuring me that the wallet was gone. So, sadly, I began calling to cancel my debit and credit cards and bemoaned the loss of my Leon Lion discount card that Kenny Nikkens sold me. It got me free drinks at One Stir Fry.
About two hours later, at about the time I was searching to find the Old Navy number to cancel that card, the lady called and said, "We found your wallet. It was where you said; I just didn't see it." Genius, that one.
Sunday morning I had to drive to Camp Charis to play Christmas carols. I hopped in my car and my gas was pretty low, so I thought to myself, "I'll stop and get gas in Georgia. (The state, not the country. ;0) It is cheaper there. So when I got to cheaper gas I pulled my car in and I realized something. I had no wallet. Even if I had had my wallet, I had cancelled all my cards. No credit cards. No cash. All of these things = no gas. I didn't have time to drive back home so I marched back into the desert, eyeing the oasis I had just left jealously. I prayed that I would make it to Pelham. 30 more miles.
I rolled into Pelham with my gas light dinging mercilessly, but I did make it. Julie Queen was my savior and followed me to a gas station nearby, otherwise I would probably still be walking towards Havana right now. Thanks, Shirley!


Anonymous said...

You forgot the part about coming to Chapel Hill on Sunday morning and realizing when the lady began to play the piano, that you, you, were supposed to be playing the piano at Camp Charis at noon : )

Calyn said...

If you ever use the wrong "your" again, there will be consequences.