Friday, June 06, 2008

Quote o' the Day

"I am not a dolphin. I am a person." - Lori Jackson

Wednesday's air mattress expedition was a bust. After our Outrigger Island vacation Bible school this week, Lori and I wanted to see if such an island existed in Lake Jackson. We had secured ourselves four canoe paddles and all we needed was an air mattress. Unfortunately, I could not find mine. Many of you have slept on it. Kenley has the exact same one. It's got the Saved by the Bell, 80's-style zig zags on it. The kind that makes you want to tease your hair as soon as you lay down. Jenna, Lori and I went down to the Lake Jackson dock instead and brought mashed potatoes and salad for a midnight picnic. We would still like to have our air mattress island exploration, if any of you know of any unused mattresses. Lake Jackson is calling...

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