Friday, July 14, 2006

Hey Everybody!

Hey everybody! I know I haven't updated in forever...I'm really sorry
about that. Camp 3 is amazing! Today is our last full day so they
all go home tomorrow, but it's been a really good camp. The team that
came from the states was absolutely incredible. Mrs. Betty, Justin,
Derek and Katie were (for those of you who know them) and that means
TEA PARTIES! Heck yes. Derek brought Starbucks "Awake" tea and the
them of camp is "Wake Up" so we figured that was a pretty good find.

Stories from camp, stories from camp...

Well, the health department tried to shut down the camp again so on
Tuesday they called and said they were coming to inspect the camp and
all the campers needed to be out of the way so we had to take the
whole camp to the woods and play scavenger hunts and stuff. That was
exciting, let me tell you...Fortunately we're still allowed to stay at
the camp for the moment, so keep praying. Only 2 camps left to
go...hopefully we'll be able to have them. God is in control. I'm
not too worried.

This week me and MerriCameron were in a room full of girls from Kyiv
and we had so much fun together. We made big signs with all our names
to go on the door and gave everyone cards. It was so awesome. I love
those girls.

Jake and Taylor arrived yesterday with Team 4 and they brought
presents from Carli! YYYYEEEEEESSSSS! Presents from Carli are very
exciting. I love you, Carli. Jake and Taylor also brought me a pack
of gummi worms so they are my new favorite people ever. Last night we
had a coffee party in the lobby of building one with Oleg, Lena, me,
Lori, Jake, Taylor, Justin, MerriCameron and Derek. We had a blast.
Syoma the security guard kept coming upstairs and telling us to be
quiet, but we didn't care. :0)

I just got done teaching outdoor english class and we had some
sharing time today and that was good. I talked to them about
"mountain top" experiences at camp and how to take that with you when
you go back home. People had some really good things to say.

God is doing amazing things in Ukraine. Stay tuned for some more
updates. Until then, "Да прибудет с тобой сила." (Da preebudet s
toboy ceela. May the force be with you. :0) Arrivederci!

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