Saturday, September 23, 2006


The Nazarene Church had a lock in and me and Lori went about 2 weeks ago. We just watched movies all night and got way too little sleep. It was so fun. We watched School of Rock and I didn't realize that I liked that movie. I'd seen it once before but I'd forgotten about it. This is Roma, Artur and Sasha.

We were waaaay too tired...

Taco night at our house with Roma! Yay!

Mom sent us this very beautiful box full of taco supplies. :0) Yeeesssss.

These are the flowers I bought the other day and I thought they were pretty. I painted the cookie-jar-gonna-be-used-as-a-vase with violets and Luke 12:27-28. It's fun.

In the living room tonight.

We went on a picnic last weekend with Max, Peter and some of their friends. We played frisbee for like, forever, and it was awesome. EVen Lori played. Yay, Lori. :0)

Lori, Peter and Sveta

Me and Max

Me and Lori

Peter, Me, Max and Yura

Lori winning "Believe it or Not," a game we learned from Yura.

Lori, Peter, Sveta and Max

Oh, frisbee, how I missed you.

Me and Max

Me and Lori

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dorothy and I want you to know that we think you're obsessed with pictures...

and we're so very grateful for it :)

(me in particular)