Wednesday, November 08, 2006

And the letter of the day is....

I'm sitting here in the living room doing my favorite thing- babysitting. (Most of you will recognize the intense sarcasm in that statement. If not, you don't know me well at all and you should be ashamed.) Some PBS kids show is on and they're yelling in Spanish in voices at least two octaves higher than normal ones. That seems to be the requirement for doing voices on PBS kids' shows. Oh, I changed it to our other PBS station. Sesame Street is much better than Dragon Tales. Elmo kinda gets on my nerves, but other than that, I can handle it. Telly is trying to figure out if the baby is a triangle lover. I can relate to Telly. He's obsessed with triangles much like I am obsessed with symmetry.

So this weekend, me, Dad, Uncle Richard and Cam went to South Florida for the USF/Pitt game. And USF won! Yay! (Although, I'm rather partial to Pittsburgh so I wouldn't have cried either way.) My Dad and Uncle both graduated from USF so they were going for the homecoming game. It was a lot of fun.

This is, "Oh my gosh, the sun is in my eyes."

Cam making sure he gets his normal 14 hours of sleep.

Dad displaying his new hat he got.

Cam was being anti-social.

And...the sun is still in our eyes...

Steakhouses, football, movies, Starbucks. You can't beat weekends like that. And then...more to come...CARLI!

*This blogpost was brought to you by the letter, "D," and the number, "9."


Lori said...

I'm glad you had a good time with Cam and your dad and Uncle Dick. With the exception of Uncle Dick, I will see you all in what? 23 days? I love you.

Nadia said...

How did your dad respond to your nose piercing?!