Friday, March 28, 2008

I Finally Saw Condi :0)

This afternoon I headed over to Main State to hear Condoleezza Rice speak to all of the Department interns. It was amazing. She is so down-to-earth. And small! I thought she was so much taller than she actually was. Condoleezza Rice is definitely one of my heroes, I mean, the woman speaks Russian for crying out loud, and it was really great to hear her talk with us. People asked a lot of great questions. She was so…approachable. I mean, she looked like the sort of person you could run into and have lunch with. That was a nice contrast to a lot of the upper level people I’ve come in contact with in the Federal Government. She spent some time answering a question about her heroes- she said her parents- and she said that they were people who never saw limits. She said that she grew up in segregated Birmingham where someone who was black couldn’t go down the road to order a hamburger, but being the president was a perfectly attainable goal, according to her parents. She’s come pretty darn close. And if she ever ran for president, she’d have my vote. :0)


Anonymous said...

A Rice-Reber ticket sounds pretty good right about now : )

Calyn said...

I think anything would sound good at this point.

section9 said...

You'll come close to getting your wish. Expect her to be McCain's veep choice.