Monday, August 27, 2007

My last first day...

Today was my last first day of school. Last first day... Now, see, yesterday evening that thought brought about a sort of melancholy feeling, but after walking a mile up a hill through the rain at at way too early in the morning it morphed into a thought of comfort. Like most college campuses, FSU has far too little parking, and what parking it does have is confined to the outskirts of campus where it is really not convenient to anything or anyone. I parked in a parking garage around a mile from where I work and started trekking up Jefferson Street in the pouring rain. But then- a bus! It was so close. I took off running towards it, but as soon as I was close enough to read the numbers on the license plate it took off to rumble towards the next stop. Lucky for me, traffic was horrible, so I knew if I ran I could cut it off and get it at the next stop. So I did. But then, as I sprinted towards the finish line my shoe broke and I had to run back and pick it up. I was a pitiful case, soaking wet, standing on the sidewalk with a broken shoe and a sad excuse for an umbrella, watching my only hope of walking into my office with some bit of dignity left to me head towards Southgate to pick up the rich freshman. Ah well, such is life. Thankfully, my last first day is over and I can move on to my last second day.

T minus 3 days until college football...get fired up.

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