Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Run the Earth; Watch the Sky

I love looking at the stars. I honestly know very little about them, other than what I've picked up from Bill Nye, PBS, and an Earth Science course at TCC, but truthfully, I'd prefer to keep it that way. There's something beautiful and enticing about looking up at the night sky and enjoying it for its mystery. This is why I was very excited about the email I got that said on August 27th, Mars was to appear as large as the moon, "A great night for stargazers." While Diane, Jenna and Kenley played a rousing game of Monopoly- realtor's version (They make it far too complicated for any normal human being to play. There are timeshares, rentals, managers of properties, financing available, leases and all sorts of other nonsense involved), Leah and I grabbed a sheet and a bottle of bugspray and made for the grassy part of the yard near our hammock. We never saw Mars. I'm sure it was there in all its red glory, but sadly, we never caught of glimpse of it.

All was not a loss, though. The moon was particularly beautiful. (I hear there was a lunar eclipse early this morning, but we missed that one as well.) One of my favorite things about laying on a blanket and looking at stars with people is that looking towards heaven generally steers conversation in that same direction. Some of the best talks I've had with people have been while looking at stars. So thanks for the company, Leah! :0)

"Sometimes I think of Abraham, how one star he saw had been lit for me..." - Rich Mullins

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too love looking at the stars and also think of the promises God made to Abraham. So stars equal promises to me. Leah is a good conversationalist period...also when it comes to star gazing...