Friday, February 08, 2008

Where Have All the Chickens Gone?

My Uncle Richard lives on a farm in Arkansas. There's not much around. Let's face it; it's Arkansas. However, he does have a neighbor a couple miles away that has a chicken farm. You're probably picturing in your head something like this-

Let's go with something like this:

Let's go with four of them. There are thousands of chickens in each one.

Now, a couple weeks ago there was a tornado about eight miles from my Uncle's house and it hit his neighbor's chicken house. The guy lost 8,000 chickens. That's a lot of chicken. Hopefully he had chicken insurance. However, Kenley brought up a good question. Where did all the chickens go? I mean, we all know gravity. What goes up must come down. How would you like to be the person over in Tennessee who wakes up with 700 dead chickens in his front yard? Not me. So, this week, if you spot some of the missing chickens, give me a call. I'll pass on the information to my Uncle's neighbor. I'm sure he's out looking.

Have You Seen This Chicken?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, haven't seen the chicken, but remember when that live mackerel fell from the sky into our backyard????