Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Birthday...hey, what's your name?

Well, my evil midterm is over and the rejoicing began at about 4:42 this afternoon. After a quick trip to the bank I came home and wanted to get on the computer, but comcast was out (again) so I didn't. Instead I ate some leftover pelmeni (yeeessss) and sat down to watch a Cheers marathon in which they were playing all the episodes where Gary plays pranks on the bar. Those are some of my favorites. I think my favorite thing from watching that was when Fraiser said to Woody, "Well, Woody, you know what they say. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Woody replied, "You know, that is so true, Dr. Krane. I was doomed to repeat history three times in highschool."

Woody: What's shakin', Mr. Peterson?
Norm: All four cheeks and a couple of chins.

Norm: Women. You can't live with 'em... Pass the beernuts.

Coach: Norm, how come you and Vera never had any kids?
Norm: I can't, Coach.
Coach: Gee, I'm sorry Norm.
Norm: Just look at Vera. I mean, I just can't.

Coach: [answering the phone] Cheers. Ok, wait a minute, I'll check. Is there an "Ernie Pantusso" here?
Sam: That's you, Coach.
Coach: Speaking.

Diane: What could be more enjoyable than opening your heart this holiday season?
Carla: Opening yours with a can opener?

Cliff: How would the Civil War had changed if Abraham Lincoln had octopus tentacles instead of a beard?

Cliff: The Hindus believe that what you come back as depends upon your behavior in your this life. If you led a good life, you come back in an elevated state.
Coach: Like Colorado?

Coach: It's the darndest thing, I've been shivering all of the way over here.
Diane: Well Coach you don't have a coat on. It's thirty degrees outside.
Coach: Oh, thank God. I thought I had malaria.

Cliff: If I wasn't wearing this uniform, I'd ask you to step outside.
Norm: If you weren't wearing that uniform, we'd all step outside

Woody: How can Darth Vader be Luke Skywalker's father? They don't even have the same last name.

Sam: "Woody, could you add up these receipts?"
(Woody feels through the receits)
Woody: "There's eight of them, Sam."

Cliff: What a pathetic display. I'm ashamed God made me a man.
Carla: I don't think God's doing a lot of bragging either.

That show is the best. Anyway, after watching a couple episodes I went to Jenshka's house where, me, Jenna, Daniel L., Diane, Lerah, Shannon and Kenley were gonna have us a halloween party. We hung out for a while, and then we decided we would go trick-o-treating. None of us had brought costumes, so we whipped out some Mardi Gras masks and a couple of hats and wigs and started walking around the neighborhood. Now, I know what you're thinking. Y'all are freakin' in college, why the heck are you trick-o-treating? Well, so as not to disappoint people, we jazzed up our excursion a bit and decided we would Christmas carol as we went. The first few houses we sang "It came upon a midnight clear", but when I realized that no one knows the words to Christmas carols anymore (what is this world coming to? those are the best songs ever) we switched to just the beginning of "the first noel." After a few houses with our carolling, we switched to singing "happy birthday" to the people whose houses we stopped at. When we got to "Happy birthday dear, _____" we simply said, "Hey, what's your name?" and they'd tell us and we'd fill in the blank. It was very exciting. We went to this one house and this college-aged guy answered the door and we sang to him and his name was Marquis and he kept saying, "Yall, it's not my birthday" cause I guess he thought we were serious or something. Then, as we're walking down the driveway these little kids are walking towards the door and I say, "Hey guys. Make sure you tell Marquis 'Happy Birthday' cause it's his birthday today." Yeeessss. I waited til they got to the door and listened to them. (You have to use your imagination and put in the little ghetto voices.) They said, "man, happy bir'day, Maaaquis. Yeah, man, happy bir'day." And I hear Marquis say, "Ya'll it ain't my bir'day." Then I hear them start getting all flustered and say "Man, dat girl told us it was yo bir'day. Dey lied to us. What!?" It was funny.
Anyway, after that we came back to the house and roasted marshmallows and did some serious candy trading. I got some milkduds and dots out of the deal and I think everyone was pretty happy with their candy outcome.
Well, I'm gonna go to bed now.
Happy Halloween!


OMH said...

I've decided I want to be a College age kid again and have Y'all as my friends!! Really enjoy reading your journeys. My prayer for you is to always stay close to God!

Todd G Sapp said...

calyn...too funny. You should start a blog exclusively for excerpting funny parts of TV & movies. It's like comedy Cliff's notes. You could save us all a lot of time.

Oh, and by the way, I wasn't thinking, 'why are college kids going trick or treating' I was thinking, 'wow the Myricks have a whole collection of Mardis Gras masks.'

Anonymous said...

Last night was definitely the best. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a looong time. I wonder if anyone went to work today and while having Office Story Hour shared their recollection about us? We could be pretty famous, you know. =)

Anonymous said...

^^ -Lerah

Anonymous said...

Good times Good times... Daniel was scaring me a little though with his zebra cobra thing goin on! I do believe I laughed so hard I got some abs when we were leaving Marquis' house. And I had fun playing mario cart with you guys last night!

Tamara said...

you all crack me up...