Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Things I've Learned This Week

1. Pink can look good on pretty much anybody.

2. Books with the word "Death" in the title are generally not books that I get excited about reading.

3. Geometry is not my best subject.

4. Computer technology is not my best subject.

5. I'm not really sure what is my best subject...

6. Creative voicemails make life more fun.

7. Seinfeld is about the best show ever.

8. Good grammar has gone the way of the dinosaur.

9. Spelling is following close behind.

10. Carli is pretty much the coolest ever.

11. Dysfunctional skits are really fun.

12. Christmas is coming up real quick.

13. Lori is coming home real quick.

14. There are only 3 weeks of school left.

15. My sun roof works!

16. My mom is the best.

17. Rachel and Lerah were just made to be best friends.

18. Sleeping on the roof might not be the best idea.

19. The Bible is the best place to get advice.

20. I can use "best" in a lot of sentences.



Anonymous said...

Um, heck yes Rachel and I were made to be bessest friends. I glad someone else realizes that too. =) Haha.

I heart Calyn Reber. Shes the best. =)

Todd G Sapp said...

Grammer and spelling should be done good or not at all.

Jenshka said...

I love you, Calyn Reber.

Lori said...

I agree...your mom is the best. sorry I can't spell. I will be home real quick.