Monday, November 07, 2005

Slavic Food Night :0)

Well, 3 days of cooking definitely paid off. I think this was the best Slavic Food Night I've been to. All of us who cooked had so much fun. (Well, I had fun at least. I guess I can't speak for them. But, I think they had fun.) It was so incredibly crazy because at 7:00 we still had tons of food cooking, but it all worked out and we didn't even run completely out of food, which was amazing. And we got to listen to some Okean El'zy and some awesome Serbian music that Nina had, the name of which I don't remember at the moment. I didn't get to eat that much stuff, but I tried Derek's Khachapuri bread and it was awesome. It's Georgian cheese bread. Sooo good. And Nina made some great Serbian food, and Andrey made these cabbage rolls and I have 3 of them in my fridge right now and I'm looking forward to eating them. And John made this really good salad with the most random things in it, but it was so good. It had like, beets, pickles, peas, vinagrette dressing, potatoes, dill. It was good. I also have some of that in my fridge. Jenshka's Czech pastries went pretty fast, though, so I didn't get to try any of those. I'm sure they were good. We made over $250 dollars, so that was nice. Me and John get to figure out ways to spend money Wednesday. I like spending money. :0) Here's some pictures:

Jenshka and Me

I even told them to smile.

Jenn kept blinking in the pictures, so she finally just put her sunglasses on. :0)

Me and Dr. Adamovich

Me grabbing some food

Me and Nina

It's the gang. Довиђења! Head aega! До побачення! Do widzenia! Nakhvamdis! Пријатно! Nashledanou! До свидания! Довиждане! And Arrivederci!


Jenshka said...

Wow, Peter looks real happy in that picture of all of us. Ha. Oh, and I guess I forgot to tell you this, but I thought it was really funny. Someone asked me what the Khachapuri was and I said "It's Georigian cheese bread." and the guy in line behind the guy who asked said "No, that's not Georgian, I'm from Georgia." So John walks up and I tell him and he's just like "Oooh, he dissed us." Anyways it was pretty funny. And yes, I definitely had fun.

Calyn said...

Yeah, I met that guy. I think his name was Dura. John told me about that. Apparently he asked who made it, and John was like, "Uh, I did." I think there was kinda an awkward pause after that...He told John that it wasn't the right consistency or something, but it tasted just like it. Well, if it tastes just like it, then why you gotta say something? Hey, and why are you still awake?