Wednesday, November 02, 2005

PCBS Pumpkin Party

Yeeesssss, PCBS Pumpkin Party's are awesome. On the back porch. Leah is a great pumpkin carver. I had no idea the hidden talents of our bible study members. I mean, Lerah is a professional pet therapist (certainly the best I can afford), Bakah is an expert salesperson and an expert on everything Vera Bradley, Jenna is the Julia Child (that one's for Diane) of cupcake making, Ruth is the makeup diva of the world, Grace is hair-dying genius and world-renown earring connoisseur, and Rachel is just good at everything. So, I leave you all with pictures from my famous (or soon to be) PCBS members.

ewwww, pumpkin guts

Oh gevalt! It's eating Leah's hand! (It's okay, Leah, you have two.)

Me and Bakah

Are they beautiful, or what?

Being the environmentally friendly, green peace group that we are, we make sure to use the whole pumpkin. Seeds and all. Yum. Anna's excited.

I think Anna told me not to put this picture up here. But, I can't remember. Oh well.

Leah's skill being enjoyed by all.

It's so beautiful.

Jenshka and Anna

Ruth and Jenshka

I love this picture. It makes me happy.

Can you find my feet? They're the ugly ones.



TX said...

he-he-he :)
see you were haveing a cool celebration. Sweet!
Hey any one knows how to stay chip in Germany for the champion 2006?
Igorko let me down... :(
Calyn, I you speak with Lauren,please can you find out, does she still goes to Germany 2006?

TX said...

p.s. hm, does my last message has a sense? ;)

Anonymous said...

wow, I was def. left out of the foot picture. how sad :)
