Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Awful Waffle House

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Currently Listening
By Relient K
see related

Remember the good old days when I used to make fun of Diane, Kenley and Lori for staying up late all the time and not getting any sleep?

I was just thinking about that.

Today I came home from school and I decided I was going to take a nap, but then Lori got on ICQ and I just got this great new phone card that's kinda like, the longer you talk the cheaper the minutes become kind of thing, and so I called her and we had to talk for a long time because then I would get a better deal and anyone who knows me knows I'm always looking for the best deal, so when I got off the phone it was like 6:00 and I almost considered just trying to stay up until it was time to go to bed, but that didn't happen. I fell asleep on my bed and at about 11:15 my phone started ringing and it was Shannon and she said that they were at Kenley's house about to play games. I like games. So I went.
We played Cranium and Shannon and Kenley won but only because me and Diane let them. Haha. Then we just sat around acting out all the green cards and Kenley was acting out "evolution" and it was about the funniest thing I've ever seen. Shannon got it on video so when she sends it to me I'll upload it so you all can see it. It was like this interpretive dance, flower growing kind of thing. Amazing. I had to act out "reproduction." What kind of charades question is that? Gosh. Oh, and Diane is really good at guessing "humdingers."
Then I was hungry because I had never eaten dinner so we went to Waffle House and that was, um, educational...I don't think I'll ever be able to eat at a Waffle House again. But that's okay. I learned some things at Waffle House. I will share them with you.

1. One should never wash vegetables with actual soap. When one does, the vegetables taste like...soap.

2. Low rise jeans should just be outlawed altogether. They're fine when one is standing up...You know, in the Old Navy commercials they never show their little models sitting down. That is where the problem lies. Sitting at the bar across from us were three people all of whom's butts were half showing because of their lack of clothing. Ain't nobody wanna see dat.

3. Saturns are very dent resistant. This is a good thing. Especially at 3:00 in the morning.

Well, it's now 4 a.m. and I'm going to go back to sleep. I was thinking about the fact that I probably wrecked my sleep pattern because of this nap and then I realized, I don't have a sleep pattern.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've called it awful house for ages, but that's because it's just awful. Unfortunately the only other late night alternatives in Tally are the diner on campus and Steak N Shak, and I'd rather rather beat myself about the face with a hot cast iron pan than eat at either of those. Oh, I did go to Breakfest for a Buck last night..... I got ripped off.