Monday, February 20, 2006

It's Morphin' Time!

So, Leritchka and Jenna are sitting on my floor making some amazing bracelets right now. Jenna just said, "Mine's gonna be pretty." I'm excited about it. They're intense about these bracelets. Intense like the circus. Or maybe intense like camping. I think it depends on who you ask. Maybe intense like the Orange Revolution "museum." That's about the only things I can think that go under tents. I asked Jenna and Lerah. That's all they can think of too. We just had bible study at my house and that was pretty awesome. We talked about I John and how we can have assurance of salvation and good stuff like that. I John is a great book. It's one of those small ones that's kinda towards the back so I miss it a lot of times. You know, those times where it's time to spend some time with God and you do the whole "let me open up my Bible and see where I end up" thing but you always end up in Isaiah or Jeremiah because they're freakin' huge and they're kinda in the middle. Yeah, you know you do it too. I think I read Isaiah more than any other book because of that...I didn't realize that until just now. Hmmm, and that's why I always miss Genesis. It's at the beginning. Maybe I should flip my Bible around and then I won't know if Revelation's in the front of the back. Wait, then I'll still end up in the middle. Maybe I should just start reading through the Bible again and then I wouldn't have that problem.
Moving on...We had game night at Shannon's last night. And of course the camera came along.

That's about my favorite picture ever. Embrace the ugly pictures, Calyn...


Anonymous said...

Such good times. I'm glad the Bible study went well tonight!

Tamara said...

I love you, Calyn! I was just reading in 1 John, like all of 5 minutes ago, and then I read your blog. I love that... we are studying 1 John in my Bible Study here. It's good stuff. Remember our memory verse from San Antonio from 1 John? And the motions? HAHAHAHAHAHA.... ahhh, good times, good times. "Anyone who claims to have a relationship with God must live the same kind of live that Jesus lived." 1 John 2:6 Thanks for allowing Christ to shine through you. Love ya lots!

James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

ok so i forgot wqhat i was gonna write! dangit! ;o) lol... hrmmm..???... OH!! maybe soething along the line of you and jenna are starting to look alot alike! and they say married couples get like that... so maybe that goes to say that you and Jenna are spending too much time together........ so that also goes to say that no more cracks on kenley and I are in order.... cause you know.....people could almost wonder about you and Jen..... ;o) lol!! jk, but it was funny, yeah?