Thursday, February 09, 2006

One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish. Oh, and REEBA MOOOYA!

Y'all, this whole nobody blogging thing is getting out of control. I mean, I know y'all are busy and all but do you really value sleep that much? My goodness. I mean, I make time for blogging and I still get 4 whole hours every night. That is the recommended amount, right? (Ha. That just rhymed. I'm a poet and I was unaware, I mean, I didn't know it.)

Maybe my rhyming abilities are calling for some poetry. We've been reading poetry by Tolstoy and Lermontov in my Russian lit class. It's very exciting. Well, it's actually kind of sad. Someone's always dying or forgetting their homeland or something. But I like things that rhyme. I always felt jipped (Is that how you spell jipped? I would appreciate someone affirming or correcting that.) in high school when we had to read all of that "free prose" crap. I mean, come on. Rhyming is where it's at. Dr. Seuss was the master. "I would not eat them in a box. I would not eat with a fox. I would not eat them here or there. I would not eat them anywhere." Pure genius. Of course, I'm a sucker for cinquains and haikus too, but that's because they are so symmetrical. I mean, haikus are just beautiful. 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. Very predictable. Very symmetrical. Amazing. But perhaps it is time...for rhyme. I will tell you the story of my day and rhyming will pave the way.
(Don't worry. It will get worse.)

My Day: by Florence Mockingbird (You didn't think I'd use my real name, did you? I mean, all cool writers had pennames. Would you have read Huckleberry Finn if you would have seen that it was written by "Samuel Clemmons?" Heck no. Mark Twain is a much cooler name. After all, know like, tons of cool people...named...Mark....)

After waking up so very late
I ate for breakfast some frosted flakes.
I met Ms. Martha for a lunch.
Had some cantalope and ate a bunch.
We caught up and then I went
To the bank and got a statement.
I taught piano, banged some keys,
filed music, made copies.
I stubbed my toe, but this is worse,
I realized I'd lost my purse.
I searched the church both low and high,
Got frustrated and almost cried.
But, Great Scott! it did appear
Thanks, Mrs. Karen, you're a dear.
After that I went to school
And read poetry-that was cool.
Went to the mall and who did I see?
But Bekah and Rachel and Anna- all three!
We ate Chick-Fil-A because it was cheap
I love student night but don't say a peep
Because Matt Morrow still has a I.D.
and though he's no student gets sandwiches free.

Okay, I'm done now. I was going to tell you about my Old Navy experience in dactylic pentameter, but perhaps we will save that for another time and another place. Arrivederci!


Todd G Sapp said...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm no poet
But you are.

OMH said...

That was cool
That was neat
Now stay in school
because your sweet!

Okay I'm not very good at that - but you are AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Your homework if you choose to do it is.............find a word (real word)that rhymes with Purple!

Calyn said...

Calyn: Let me quote my main man, Strong Bad. Ah-hem.
"If you want it to be possessive then it's just 'I-T-S.' But if you want it to be a contraction then it's 'I-T-apostrophe-S!'...scalawag!"
Jenna: *hyperventalating* I just really don't understand why people can't use correct grammar! I mean, how hard is it, really? AHHHHH!!!