Sunday, April 23, 2006

Around the World Night

Tonight me and Jenna headed to Sarah and Morgan's house for our last family group get-together. :0( We had "around the world" night and it was really fun. Me and Jenna made borscht. The food was for real good. Yu made authentic chinese food and that was exciting because I'd never had "real" Chinese food before. Shamona made Jamaican plantains, Sarah made Norweigan cookies, Matt made carne asada and a bunch of other people made a bunch of other really good food. Then we played "Catch-phrase" and my favorite quote of the evening was Sarah trying to describe the word "sorry." She said, "Oh, like, I hit someone in the face and then I say, 'Oh! I'm ______!'"

We played with the coupling feature again. :0) Here's Kelly and Shamona. Or Shamona and Kelly...whatever.

That one is by far my favorite.

Kelly and Jenna

Me and Sarah

Me and Jenna

Jenna, Sarah and Morgan

Yu was excited about playing Catch Phrase

Shamona's face in the background is the best.

Shamona trying to do her best Zoolander "magnum" face.

Me and Sarah. We are just so cool.

Oh yeah.

1 comment:

Todd G Sapp said...

Why wouldn't U be excited about playing catch phrase? U is not a senior right? Because I would miss U. if U was not around anymore. See U later.