Thursday, May 25, 2006

Shout Out to Friends

I would just like to say that I have the best friends ever. I know that I've been slacking on this the past week, but my life has been really crazy trying to get everything done before I leave Friday. I did want to post a quick update, though. I was telling Jenna that it always baffled me about people who wanted to move away and start new lives and all that stuff. I know that I have the best friends in the entire world and I could never find better ones so there would be really no point in all of that. I will miss you guys so much.

My drama peoples, I don't know what I would do without you guys. Your dedication to the youth group is really inspiring. I am so excited about all the things God is doing and will do in your lives and I'm so glad I got to hang out with you guys as much as I did. You're the best drama team EVER.

Bible study girls- I'm so glad that y'all gave up your Monday nights to come hang out and learn how to be a better follower of Jesus. Y'all were a huge blessing to me and I'm praying for you.

Todd, thanks for being the best youth pastor ever, but more than that, a really great friend.

Adult youth leaders, I love you guys and I'm glad I got to meet with all of you (even if you did vote me off the island). Thanks for Back to the Future parties, good food, great fellowship, and a little tiki man.

Sarah, I'm so glad I got to see you again before you head to Branson. Thanks for being my friend even though we don't get to see each other as much as we would like. I love you.

Jenna, I don't even know what to say to you. Let's just say that if you weren't coming to Ukraine I would probably die. Like, seriously.

Lerah, I am so glad that you consider me cool enough to be your friend. I know that you had to reach down to me from a high height. Thanks for helping me with my fashion sense, telling me how to cut my hair, going on random pizza trips, and talking with me about things so much more significant than the weather or silly boys and such. I hope a cardboard cut-out of me will help you not to forget me until I get back.

Shannon, thank you for late night talks wadded up on the floor between your bed and the wall and for always encouraging me and laughing at my jokes when they are usually not funny.

Mrs. Martha, thank you for being the best Easter musical director ever and filling us all with a love for the Easter story. Thank you for your pictures and for the way that you lifted us all up when we needed it so much. I am honored to be your friend.

David, I remember when we were such good friends when we were in like, 6th grade and you sat next to me in youth choir. The little, uncool sheltered kids that we were. Thank you for still being my friend all these years and being the person of integrity that you are.

Diane, thank you for singing Journey and Chicago songs with me at the top of our lungs and not caring who hears us. Thank you for making me special chicken with no garlic and for calling me just to see how my day was. I love you so much and I'm so glad we're friends.

I realize that I am going to see you all again soon, but I was just talking with Jenna and David tonight about what great friends I have and I just wanted to let you all know it. I'll miss you guys!!! Write me:

Love you guys! Arrivederci!


Jenshka said...

I would die too. End of story.

TX said...

It will be cool to see you again! :-)