Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Yesterday was a very exciting day. We went to our friend Roma's church and after running around like chickens with our heads cut off (because we slept through our alarms…both me and Lori's…pathetic, I know) we made it to the church and we were late, of course, but we snuck in and there was a spot for the two of us and when I sat down I noticed I was sitting right next to my friends Larry and Elaine that I got stuck with in Paris! I could see the little Dutch kids in my head singing "It's a Small World."
So after church we met some people that go there and hung out with Larry and Elaine and they introduced us to their friend Cliff who is a full-time missionary here and he said he would let us know if he had things we could help them do in the fall. Larry and Elaine are on a train to Mariupol right now to work with 2-week teams of Americans in orphanages doing vacation Bible schools and such down there. They said that when I finished doing camp with Radooga I could come down and help them and I think that would be AWESOME! I'm excited about that.

Lori, Amberly and I are going to Poland on Thursday so Amberly can get her visa renewed and then when we get back the American summer staff will arrive. (Most of you know what that means- JENNA!) We move to camp on the 16th and I am really excited about moving to camp for one reason- hot water. I have yet to experience the joy of hot water since I've gotten here so I'm looking forward to a hot shower. Our hot water was supposed to be turned back on in our apartment but I have a feeling it might be a while.

Here are some pictures from Sunday. :0)

Me and Roma at Nikita's house

Ronald the Cat. He's not mean even though he looks mean.

He just needs his apron to say "Kiss the Cook."

Wow, check out the hotdogs.

Nikita "cooking."

This is Larry and Elaine, the couple I met in the airport in Paris. We missed our flight together and ended up at the same church on Sunday. It's a small world...

Nikita trying to rip apart the bag Carli gave me. I yelled at him, Carli.

That's sweet, Nikita.

Us scarfing ice cream.

Me playing Nikita's guitar. David said I looked Spanish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...the end.