Friday, November 25, 2005

Mewwy Chwistmas Evewyone

Unlike most of the American population, this I slept through all of the great deals that were supposedly going on this morning. I prefer not to be beat up in a parking lot over an X-box or to stand in line for 3 hours to save $3 on a pair of jeans. To each his own, I suppose. Instead Chris, Cameron and I did our best to entertain ourselves til about 3 o'clock this morning and that was pretty fun. Then we slept all this morning. Yesterday I put up my Christmas tree, which, as any of you who know me know that is a very big deal. I helped Dad put up Christmas lights outside too. And then me and Diane, Lerah and Crystal went and took over Kenley's house and baked cupcakes. I came home and me and Chris and Cam played cards til, like, 2:30 this morning. Cam was busy playing World of Warcraft, as usual, and me and Chris were like, "Cameron, come play with the 3-D people for a while." He said, "3-D people? I gave up on them a long time ago." We convinced him to play anyway.
But, enough of that. Let's get back to my Christmas tree. I mean, it's pretty much the most beautiful thing ever. I took some photos for you all so that you too can share in it's beauty.

This is it in the light. Six feet of absolutely stunning evergreeness.

But this is where it really shines. You can see its red and white glow outside my window in the dark. I mean, really people, is there any need to visit the Rockefeller tree this year? You can just come to my house.

I mean, look at how excited Cameron is? Doesn't this face just scream "excitement?"

Mewwy Chwistmas Evewyone! Arrivederci!


Anonymous said...

I love you Calyn and your love for Christmas music, trees and well everything! Have a great day.. try not to faint from your excitment over the fact that Lori comes home the day after tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

CALYN! Your Christmas tree is beautiful! I cannot wait for the Christmas season! My parents refuse to begin the celebration this early on, but I am ready. Haha, I ♥ Christmas!


Oh, do you know where I can get a Point of Grace Christmas CD? I can't find any. Anywho, I'll see you later. PCBS this week, right?

Anonymous said...

Okay then, Mr. Scrooge ...

Anonymous said...

I forgot to put my name, that was me, Leah

Todd G Sapp said...

Calyn, can you teach Paul yoga? He needs to relax a little. Just kidding, Paul. Sort of.

Jim said...

I was one of those crazy people this morning standing in line at Circuit City at 5:00 am (and I was behind a couple hundred others). But, I got a good deal on a 42" HD Plasma TV. What a picture!

Calyn said...

Maybe if I were buying plasma T.V.s or cars, or, you know, space craft then that might be worth standing in line for. :0)
Oh, and Pauls, I can only think of how A Christmas Carol might have been different had Charles Dickens met you...I think I may write that story. Soon.

TX said...

really like you christmas-tree!!!
it's fantastic, as eveything on your blog! :)

Jenshka said...

Awww. I'm so glad that you and your brothers got to spend quality time together. It makes me happy. And your Christmas tree is amazing. It's so beautiful. That last picture is really cute of you too.