Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Oh my gosh, someone hit her in the head...

You know, the more I hang out with people the more I realize...I'm not the only weird person out there. Maybe weirdness is okay. I mean, yes, I'm obsessed with things being symmetrical- but Jenna's obsessed with things being orderly. I have to make things grammatically correct but my brother has to tie his shoes until they look absolutely perfect. I'm scared of E.T., but John's scared of his shadow. And sunglasses. I have to eat the outside of poptarts first, but Rachel has to color coordinate her M&M's.
I think maybe everyone has weird little idiosyncrasies and we just might not know it. Maybe they're better at hiding it than me, or maybe they just keep it secret. Probably the latter is the most likely.
That was what I was just now thinking about, but on to more important matters. Today was Ash Wednesday, so we had an awesome service at Wesley. It was funny because I forgot that it was Ash Wednesday and I hadn't really noticed anyone with ashes on their head earlier and this girl walked into the Wesley Foundation and she had this huge greyish spot on her head and I thought to myself, "Oh my gosh! Someone hit her in the head!" I felt really bad for her. Then later when we went in the bombshelter and they were putting ashes on people's heads it hit me, "Oh, nobody hit her..." We had a great praise and worship service and talked about Lent and stuff like that. I love how we have such a forgiving God. He is amazing. And me and Jenshka went to Russian Club to help plan Slavic Food Night. (Tentative date: April 3rd at 6:30. Everyone should come who lives in Tally. $5. Best food ever.) That was fun. This year we're adding something new to the menu. We have a friend who is Bulgarian so she's going to help make some Bulgarian dishes. Never had Bulgarian food before. So far we've got people who know how to make Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian food. Yum.
Anyway, I have to do a bunch of homework so I'm going to go, but I would just like to point out that Spring break is 2 days away!!! Urrrraaaa! Arrivederci!
P.S.- Writing the word "greyish" made me think about how there are two ways to spell grey. Grey and Gray. I think I use both equally, but I was wondering if there was a preferred spelling. How do you spell it? Consider this a poll.


Anonymous said...

Everyone's weird, so does that mean no one's weird? I do agree though, everybody has something!

... ♥

Anonymous said...

I totally eat the outsides of my poptarts first too, but I aslo do that with sandwiches. People like to throw away the last corner, but I say "why waste it?" If you just eat the edges first, than it's out of the way and all you have left is delicious filling. As far as grey and gray, neither is necessarily correct. Grey was the original spelling and then gray later appeared as an American bastardization as with many words. Gray has a few other meanings outside of what grey does, but none that you will ever use. So either is correct, but I prefer grey because it looks cooler.

Todd G Sapp said...

Actually I don't seem what all the fuss is about. It seems pretty black and white to me.