Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I Hate Money

I really do hate money. It becomes the main point of so many issues. It seems like there's so much stress in my life about money (or lack of it, rather) . Lately I've found myself really wanting to give to people and do "good" stuff, but it always requires money. I mean, Lori needs money, Shannon needs money, Miss Cindy needs money, Radooga needs money, Voice of the Martyrs, Wycliffe Bible Translators, people going to Peru, people going to Romania, and I really wish I had money to give to them. But whenever you're making like, less than $100 a week, it really doesn't go very far. I wish I had a billion dollars that I could just disperse to everyone. But, I don't. And it's sad, because I really want to go to Ukraine in January, but it seems like it always comes back to "Do I have enough money?" And I know God owns the "cattle on a thousand hills", and it's really all His money anyway, but it's like pulling teeth to get enough money to go on mission trips and it makes things so stressful. I mean, none of the 7 of us who went to Ukraine this summer raised enough support to go. And it's always interesting when 2 of the most generous people who gave me money for mission trips weren't even Christians. And they're not rich either. I struggle between saying, "God, I know you're going to work it all out and the money will come" and "Let's be realistic here..." If you can't get support to win people to Jesus from Christians, who are you going to turn to? And there are very generous Christian people in our church, but it seems like it's the same 20-or-so families that support everyone for everything. You know, the ones that get, like, 50 support letters a year. And they can only give so much.
Anyway, all that to say I wish that the people who were going on mission trips could spend the majority of their time and energy focusing on the actual trip instead of where money was going to come from. Imagine if Christian organizations could spend all their time on their ministry instead of most of it begging other Christians for support. What if the church body really was like a family?
Solomon said "money is the answer for everything." (Ecc. 10:19) And he was the wisest guy on earth. I wish it wasn't like that.
Anybody else ever feel this way?


Anonymous said...

and a lot of things about church which you will know if you read my xanga at part of it has to do with money. I want to nail 95 theses to the giant crosses at Bellevue

Anonymous said...

Oh Calyn, we adults have failed you and your friends. But you are wise beyond your years. You have stumbled upon one of the most frustrating aspects of the church and it ain't pretty , is it? I hate to sound like this , but truly, God has taught you so much thru this, and you may have missed it (the truth) if everything was "rosie". I believe that you will never be "stingy" with the money that God provides you with. May you ALWAYS desire to give to others, especially those who have eternal goals. We (I) will all see someday that opportunites that we (I) missed because we (I) wasn't generous and listening to the Holy Spirit and it will sadden our (my) hearts as it does the heart of God. I am so blessed to see you grow and the growth of your friends. You have a heart that only God can be credited for. Continue to do His will. Continue to bring glory to Him, that is why you are here on earth (in addition to being a huge bright light in my life).

Anonymous said...

I love you Calyn! I do wish that we could live without money. But, we have to have it. The good thing is I don't need the money I just need God. No worries about me getting all the money I need. God's gonna take care of that for me. If I know you are praying for me that is enough! I have really prayed about it and I know that God is leading me to take this job with camp. And although I have to raise the support I am not too worried about it. If I don't get all money I need to live on then I know that God will provide it in some other way. I don't know if I have ever told you this, but when I came home from Missouri I had 5 dollars to my name. Yet, everytime I needed gas, food, clothes, or just wanted to go to a movie I somehow had the money. My bills where always paid. I got the money either through people asking me to babysit, a random envalope with money in it, a friend wanting to treat me to dinner, or someone secretly paying a bill or something. I didn't work at all this summer, because of camp, yet I am able to pay for school, because of how God has provided since. Thank you for your heart Calyn. Keep on prayin for me. Let me know how I can pray for you! Love you sista!

Jim said...

Calyn, you sound so frustrated (even though I know we all go through those times, I just cannot picture you being frustrated). That said, I know exactly how you feel, but I definitely don't have the answer. Having gone through the fund-raising process several times, I know you are right that it's the same group of people who support me (and others).

I truly loved my time on mission trips and would do more of them if it wasn't having to hit up the same people for money each time (I do solicit support from others, it's just the same ones that give).

You can only do what you are able to do and let God handle the rest (which is most of it). You have to truly believe that if He wants you to do something, He will provide the means. If it's not meant to be, He'll let us know that too (remember, the Cuba trip this summer that got cancelled).

Of course, money isn't everything--you give so much of yourself, if you never gave another penny (other than tithing) to anyone you are doing your share. Now, cheer up and let God be God.

Jenshka said...

You know I agree with you on this one. There is not much more to say that what we've already talked about, but I am definitely on the same page.

Anonymous said...

Don't depend on money. Depend on God! We didn't think my brother would go to a special school because we didn't have the 16 grand to pay tuition. God showed up the week of the deadline! Someone anonymously garenteed it. It is totally a God thing!!

Both times I wanted to go to Ukraine I had no idea where the money was coming from. I worked for half the money the first time, even though I did not have a real job. I babysat, baked, sewed, and did house cleaning for the money. Oh and how I prayed!

The second year I threw a party for my 21st b'day. I asked for money toward my missions trip to Ukraine! I had 500 too much!!!! I gave to someone else going.That was a blessing! God blessed me beyond my needs.

Whenever I am at a loss about where money will come from I try to remember the faith of George Mueller. He would pray over breakfast at his orphanage, even though there was no food to give the orphans(this was in the 1800s) and in a few moment there was knock on the door. Here was the baker with the bread God told him to bake for the orphans! Mueller told noone about this need and God provided! He believed God did not want him to ask but simply believe. Hey! I don't know if I have that gift of faith, but the lesson holds true for all of us. God will make a way if the way needs making! If you are to go, He will make it happen. His timing is not the same as ours.

Hold tightly to his hand, stay in the Word, pray.

Abby Lea from Ohio

Unknown said...

I remeber your dad fasting and praying for you guys to go to Cuna with me a few years ago and the testimony to God's faithfulness to supply it.... never forget that!