Saturday, August 06, 2005

So, I saw a delorean today...

After a great lunch with Mrs. Cheryl, Lori's grandma and my my mom at Crystal River, we were driving back home on Old Bainbridge and a delorean drove by. That was pretty exciting. My Dad almost bought a delorean instead of his Toyota Celica, and even though I loved my car dearly, if I would have had a delorean, that would have been awesome.

I mean, check out those doors. Can you imagine me hopping out at church in that thing? Do you have to worry about a car side-swiping you when you parallel park? Heck no. Those doors definitely go up and not to the side. And if you're late, you can just reset the time. Plus, Back to the Future is one of the best movies of all time.

You don't get much cooler than Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. Even if it was the 80's. I haven't watched that in a while. If Lori were here I would call her and we'd watch it tonight, but she's not. Great Scott! What am I supposed to do now? Hmm, this has never really happened. I mean, normally, I would call her up and she would say, "Why yes, Calyn. I am doing absolutely nothing because I have nothing better to do than what you want to do, so even though I was supposed to do something to do with real estate for Kenley, I would be happy to come over and watch Back to the Future with you. I love that movie. What time?"
But since she's 6,000 miles away... this makes things rather difficult. 'Cause she's sort of, like, here:

and I'm kinda, like, here:

Gosh, what am I supposed to do now? CRISIS!!! What was I thinking letting her stay in Ukraine???!!! Gosh, I didn't think this through. Sad day.
Okay, well, while I try to figure out how I'm going to make it without Lori for the next five months, here's a Back to the Future Quiz to keep ya'll guys busy. I got them all right, by the way. :0) See how many you can get. I'll put the answers at the bottom. Don't peek!

1. What has Marty got tucked in his belt when he pretends to be "Darth Vader"?
a) Hairdryer
b) Gun
c) Book

2. What brand name of boxers does Marty wear?
a) Hanes
b) Fruit of the Loom
c) Calvin Klein

3. What are the two names used for the Mall?
a) Lone Pine & Twin Pine
b) Lone Pine & Twin Pines
c) Lone Pines & Twin Pines

4. What is the name of the dance where Marty's parents first kiss?
a) The Enchantment Under The Water Dance
b) The Fish Under The Sea Dance
c) The Enchantment Under The Sea Dance

5. Why is Doc so embarrassed about his model of the courtyard?
a) He didn't have time to paint it or make it to scale.
b) He didn't have time to paint it or make it work.
c) He didn't have time to make it to scale or work.

6. Who says "I'm afraid you're just too darn loud"?
a) Huey Lou
b) Huey Lewin
c) Huey Lewis

7. What do the Baines family have for dinner?
a) Meatloaf
b) Steak
c) Pot Roast

8. Who had a thing about growing pine trees?
a) Old Man Peaboy
b) Old Man Peabody
c) Old Man Jones

9. What kind of car is Doc's time machine?
a) DeLorean
b) Chevy
c) Dodge


Okay, so here's the answers:

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. A

How'd ya do? Less than 5 and you need to go watch Back to the Future. That's my challenge for you this weekend. (And if you watch it, call me.) Arrivederci!

1 comment:

Jenshka said...

Hey, I just read this post, so I know this is kinda late, but I have all 3 BTTF movies on DVD and I really want to watch one (or all) of them. Whenever you're ready...