Sunday, June 26, 2005

Hey guys! Camp 2 started today and it's gonna be so awesome. I'm
teaching an English class (pre-beginners, pray for me!) that starts
tomorrow and I'm pretty excited about that. I hope I do okay. Some
of the campers I've known for the past 2 years are here again, so
that's pretty awesome. One of them is even a counselor this year and
I thought that was cool.
And guess what???? 8 people have already signed up for Camp 7! And
more are thinking about it! Thanks for praying!!!!!! That's 2 people
more than we have this camp, so it's so great!
Cliff says hi. He's busy eating coconut chocolate. Hey, Lauren, we
cannot find pineapple chocolate ANYWHERE. It's so weird. I have no
idea what they've done with it. But they have some new kinds now.
They have like dark chocolate and they have like this
caramel/butterscotch stuff and it's pretty good. No pineapple,
though. I'm sorry. We'll keep looking.
Last night we (amberly, cliff, justin, carli and I) stayed at Oleg and
Lena's apartment and me and Carli made pelmeni and it was sooooo good.
And we went to the Fershet store and bought chocolate, cereal and
bananas. All the essentials. We made scrambled eggs this morning and
drank grapefruit juice. Very exciting.
well, I've gotta go to a meeting now. And later I'm doing the camp
dance! It's sooo awesome! I can't wait. I didn't know Sergey could
write a better song than last year but he has done it. Arrivederci!

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