Wednesday, June 01, 2005

While Todd's Away, at ROC We Play

Todd's off galavanting around Maryland and Virginia, so all of us awesome college peoples were in charge of ROC on Sunday and it was really fun.

Here are Alec and Sarah

I couldn't find Christian and realized he was in the trash can. Yeah, why didn't I think of that before, right? So, Sappy picked up the trashcan and put it on his skateboard and wheeled Christian around the church. They are so awesome.

I asked Kevin to smile, but I guess he couldn't bring himself to it since Christian was about to chop off his head with his lightsaber.

I wish I were this cool.

If I didn't know them it'd be a little scary, but being that they're some of the nicest kids I know it's pretty darn funny. Kevin's about to send laser beams out his eyes.

And here's some of the gang. Anna W., Sarah, me, Anna J., Brandon, Christian, Lori and of course, Alec



Anonymous said...

LOL.. That's what I was thinkin!

Anonymous said...

hey calyn...i had a great time with you are so awesome...we should hang out more b/c we both are pretty awesome ;) jk....well i love you and i hope i can give you a hug before you leave

love, linda

Adam said...

*tear* So heart-warming and sad to see pictures of my dear friends.