Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Okay, awesome story for the day.
Every team that comes from america is paired with a team of
translators. Usually there are about 7 or 8 translators that come and
they help with Recreation, teaching english and stuff like that. All
of the translators who come are Christians. This week, there was a
translator who came who wasn't a Christian. Her brother is a strong
Christian and is friends with a lot of Radooga staff. when Natasha
applied, they rejected her application because she wasn't a christian,
but her brother called Oleg and asked if there was an opening if she
could please come. well, this week there was an opening, so Natasha
came. She was my translator for English classes and she is such a
sweet person. We'd been praying for her to come to Christ and
yesterday, Betty, one of the ladies here, got a chance to share her
testimony with her and stuff like that, and Natasha didn't make a
decision, but Mrs. Betty told me to keep praying for her and stuff
like that. This morning, Mrs. Betty ran up to me during Celebration
and told me that Natasha had accepted Christ!!! So this morning in
English class it was so cool because natasha is so excited about it.
I got to share my testimony with my English class and afterwards,
Natasha gave me a big hug and said thank you and stuff. It's really
awesome. There just "happened" to be an opening this week for an
extra translator and that just "happened" to be Natasha. Gotta love
it. tonight the speaker is going to ask if anybody wants to accept
Christ during evening program so be praying about that. God is doing
so many cool things here. I found out that 90 teenagers accepted
Christ at our first camp. How cool is that????
I taught my english class the hokey-pokey today. that was exciting.
and today we're going to the airport to pick up team 3. Most of them
are from Tampa and their youth minister J.J. was here last year. He's
really cool.
Shout-out to my buddy Sarah Wirgau! Happy happy birthday (I realize
it's tomorrow,but this might not be sent until then. I LOVE you
"This is my birthday song....It isn't very long..........."
I miss you guys and I can't wait to see Jenshka, Todd, Diane, Nicole
and Tamerica! I'm so glad ya'll are coming. :0)

1 comment:

Jim said...

Last nite was (at WOW) was testimony nite. When Pastor John first got up, the first thing he said that he was thinking of you because you always ask him when we're going to do more testimonies. He then led a prayer for you and Lori and the work you both are doing there. I know pride can be a negative thing, but I'm proud to have both of you as friends.