Monday, July 11, 2005

Privyet Rebyata! sorry it's been so long, our email hasn't really
been working. I'm trying to remember the last thing I wrote you guys.
Hold on, let me check my "sent mail" July 4th, holy cow. Okay, so it
really has been a while. They hadn't done email in like 5 days, so
when I checked my email today I had like 10 messages. It was very
exciting. And the best one I got I just have to share with you. I
love the Myricks. They're the best. Here's what Jenna, Chris and
Brandon wrote me:

I miss you
much! I'm so excited though, because we leave for Ukraine in four days. I can't wait. Well, I've been praying for you
guys and it seems like everything is going well and God is working at Radooga. You're coming
to the airport to greet us when we come, right? I sure hope so. I want to see you as soon as
possible. Everyone else is like "it's not fair that you get to see Calyn and Lori before we
do." And I'm thinking "basically I payed $1,650 to see them before you do, so yes it is to
fair." but all I ever say is something to the effect of "well, I'll tell them you said hi" or
something sweet like that. Okay, well, I think Chris has some things to say to you.

Hey this is Chris. I miss you a lot. Like this much
[________________________________________________]. Last night I had this really weird dream
where we were at the Fourth of July thing and somehow you were back. And I went up to you and
I gave you a hug and I was like "Calyn, I'm so glad you're back." And for some reason in my
dream I didn't realize that it was like a month earlier than you were supposed to get back.
And then everything was all fuzzy and I woke up and I was like "Man, this stinks, Calyn's not
here!" and then I went back to bed for a while and I woke up to Brandon sitting on top of me
saying "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey." And I was like "Are we having eggs and bacon?" And
Brandon was like "Well, it's like 2 so you already missed breakfast and lunch, so you'll have
to wait until dinner." and I was like "Brandon, I had a dream that Calyn came back." and
Brandon was like "That's great, I'm getting in the shower."
I've been missing you at Rec ROCs lately because no one wants to start a game of ultimate.
And I was going to write you a letter and I had this interesting/funny stuff all planned out to
tell you but then I forgot it all. Okay, bye I gotta go cut my stick again.

Here's Brandon to talk to you now

Hey its your favorite fourteen-year-old kid who lives on Tallapoosa ct. who's name is Brandon
Paul Myrick and has long hair that nobody really likes and has a minor stuttering problem that
his sister tends to make fun of and also has a tendency to wander off subject and forget
completely what he's talking and is also kinda getting this weird rash from sitting down too
long and... oh yeah, hey Calyn! I miss you bunches. Yeah Jen and Chris already stole two ways
of telling you they really miss you and I can't really think of another one, so yeah. I'm sure
your having a blast at Radooga. It must be real cool to be around so many animals (specifically
hedgehogs, and/or ants), and meet celebrities like the pope... candle... It's so cool that you
get to share the gospel with people outside of the country that don't even really speak english.
You know I was thinking Radooga is a pretty cool Russian word... It's like rad like
radical, and then oo like someone saying "ooh, aah" and like... I don't really have
one for ga.
So Yeah. I can't wait till your back. Have fun for however long is left, I don't really know,
but that long.

Okay it's me again. I love you and I miss you and I'll see you soon. Don't forget about me
while you're meeting cool Russian people and hanging out with all your Radooga buddies. I
think I would cry and I'd have to start a search for a new best friend and that would be way
too time consuming and I wouldn't like any of them as much as you and now I'm rambling so,
yeah, bye!

I love you,
Jenshka "

I love the three of you so much. Brandon and Chris, I wish you were
coming, because I miss you bunches, but Jenshka, I'm so excited I get
to see you in 4 days. That's so weird. Yesterday we got to go to
Oleg and Lena's apartment (me, Carli, Cliff, Amberly, Denis, and
Justin) to take a break after camp 3 and we watched The Last Samurai
(bekah, I watched it!) and we went to this Georgian (the country, not
the state, just so you know) restaurant taht made shishkabobs and had
really good Georgian bread and it was so awesome. So we were chillin
at Oleg's apartment and at their apartment they have two rooms and
Oleg and Lena have a big bed, and then their kids have a big bunkbed
in the other room and then there's a couch in the living room. Well,
there were 3 guys and 3 girls. and the girls claimed the bed because
we don't mind all three of us sleeping in the bed. However, skiff and
Justin and Denis decided they wanted the bed just to be punks.
Because there was no way 3 big guys were gonna sleep in that bed.
Skiff just came up here and he says, "I say you're all a bunch of
losers. Everyone who reads your blog needs to find something better
to do with their time. now they're all gonna hate me. You can email
any complaits to" That's so sweet, Skiffy.
So we decided to fight it out. Me and Amberly went to find ammo which
was a giant stuffed platapus/moose thing and Skiff kept us at bay with
a mop. He says that they won a bunch of different times, but that's
balogna. "My balogna has a first name it's M-E-Y-E-R..." Anyway,
Denis decided he wasn't going to speak English anymore because it was
his day off (Denis is one of our translators) so he told us all that
all he could hear was "Blah, blah, blah". So then the boys are all on
the bed and cliff ahs a mop in his hand and so we all leave, but then
he decided he was gonna lock the door, so then we all came back. And
then we threw our ammo, which did nothing and we managed to steal the
mop and we all jumped them. And then while we were fighting, the
teapot went off, so Denis left to go make tea. Then Denis came back
and took a picture and let me just say "blackmail". The guys ended up
surrendering. Justin says that's crap because they just felt sorry
for us and didn't surrender nothin'. Whatever, Justin. YOu know we
won. So then we got up and went to church thsi morning. We went to
Hillsong in Kyiv and it was pretty interesting. And then we went and
ate at Zdoravinky Booli, which is the best restaurant EVER and
Jenshka, ya'll get to go there.
Good news. I got a new name tag. Carli made it for me and I haven't
had one in two weeks because Alosha broke mine. but tomorrow is the
funeral for my old name tag. Oleg is giving the speech, Jake's making
a headstone and Amberly's singing. We're burying it by the ghetto
lake. I'm a little shook up, but I'm okay. Oleg's giving me therapy.
Pray for us cause camp 4 starts tomorrow. Fun stuff. It's gonna be
Love you guys! Thanks for all the emails. David, we will combine our
powers of coolness to take over all inferior family groups. We will
rock! Arrivederci!

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