Friday, July 01, 2005

Oh, I hate it when camps end. Camp 2 ended today and it was very sad.
These kids were so awesome. well, all the kids are awesome, but you
kinda get attached, you know? All of ya'll have seen the Sandlot,
right? well, Lori and Cliff taught an advanced class this week (and
when I say "advanced" I mean that they speak english better than me,
which makes teaching rather difficult.) And one day in class, Skiff
said, "You're killing me, Smalls", which is from the Sandlot and so
their entire class started saying that and it's kinda been the quote
of the week. That and "Let me see your funky chicken!" At random
times someone would just yell "Let me see your funky chicken!" and
then everyone would yell back, "What did you say?" Then, "Let me see
your funky chicken!" "what did you say?!" Then, "I said, ooh, ahh,
ahh, ahh, ooh, ahh, ahh,..." You get the idea. Everyone would dance
around like a funky chicken. Then we'd switch it up. "Let me see
your funky Jake!" And "let me see your funky Cliff" and so on.
Oleg Jr. (the other Oleg) took the administrative people to Kyiv
today and we went bowling, and I was so scared because I suck at
bowling, but it turns out pretty much everyone else did too so it was
okay. :0) I wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be, cuz I haven't bowled
in like, 7 years or something. Olya and I were the only girls on our
team, and I'm pretty sure we won. The reason I'm not sure is because
at the very end of the game we were in a rush because our time was
almost up and Serozha got a strike and we forgot that you get to go
again, so Olya went and she got a strike, but it went to serozha's
points, so we're not real sure who won. But we said that girls rule
anyway. I love Olya, but she's leaving tomorrow which is really sad.
Olya doesn't speak English, so she always talks to me in Russian and I
love it because I get to practice with her. And she's really good at
finishing my sentences for me. :0) I wish she didn't have to leave.
Team 3 is here and they're really awesome. Most of them are from
Tampa, so it's nice to have some Florida people here. It seems like
everyone who comes is from Texas. well, not really, but a lot of
them. Well, I'm about to go have a "we need a break/goodbye/we're
awesome" party with Olya, Veronica, Amberly, Lori and Carli, so I bid
you all adieu.

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