Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I know I'm copying Nicole...

...but this blog kinda serves as my memory, so even though Nicole already posted these pictures, for my sake and the sake of my poor, pathetic memory, I'm going to post them on my blog too, so that a year down the road (or next week, depending on how much sleep I get) I can look back and see what an awesome night Ukrainian food night was. :0)

Me making salad. Salad's something I can do. No oven, no hot surfaces, no fire. Just knives...but I still have nine fingers....

Jenna and Nicole. Two of my favorite people.

Jenna, the expert potato cutter. Just look at that skill.

Me, Nicole and Jenshka. They're working on the Borshch, I'm working on the pelmeni.

Nicole and me, very tired, but very full. It was definitely 11:30 at night before we got to eat dinner... but hey, it was worth it.

How beautiful is that? All the essential extras- shishkabob ketchup, pepper ketchup and sour cream. What else could you possibly want?

We've got one word to say: Yum. (Except for Ian, who was thinking, "Oh my gosh. I'm supposed to be home at 11:30 and I live 45 minutes away from here, and it's 11:35 right now, my parents are gonna kill me...)

Ukrainian food night was awesome. Thank you, James, our photographer. I can't wait to do it again! Arrivederci!


Anonymous said...

feel like I was there! looks like a ton of fun!
hey, oh the jackets, yeah that was from the V's....I think if Oleg didn't get one for you, we need to have him bring you one, cause he loves you the best anyhow! :)

Unknown said...

WHAT no Coke Lite?

Anonymous said...

hey!! that sounds like tons of fun! but if there's not eyeball juice present, is it still considered a Ukrainian meal? oh, and i just read specialk's comment--i didn't know that you were a painter. that is sweet. okay, bye.

Jenshka said...

"Did she get green apple? You know she did."