Thursday, April 07, 2005

It's just too painful...

So, funny story for today. Me and Lori were driving to the church this evening for our first set of Russian lessons (more about that later) and we stopped at the Chevron station (of course!) to get 59 cent refills on our 44 oz. giganto-cups at the fountain machine. So, we’re sittin’ in Lori’s truck and I start counting out my change. I open the door to let some air in cuz it’s kinda muggy and I pull out my wallet and start dumping pennies and dimes into my palm. You see, I save my change for these stops. At 64 cents, (59 + tax) this is a great deal, and I always try to use my change to pay for the refills so it doesn’t feel like I’m really losing any money. I mean, it’s just change, after all. I’ve got at least 2 dozen pennies in there somewhere and I sit there counting for an excruciating long time. 59, 60, 61, 62, 63... 64! Got it. So, I start to get out of the truck and Lori says, "Hold on, let me give you mine." So, she gets out her giant change cup and starts counting pennies. She says, "I’ve got 65 cents, let me exchange the nickel for four pennies and make it sixty four." I say, "No, I’ll just put a penny back and I’ll have 63, and you’ll have 65, so it will work out." We apparently have nothing better to do with our time than count change. But she says, "No, I’ve already gotten the pennies out... wait, no, I don’t remember how much I have" and starts counting again. At about this time, I notice that there’s a guy sitting in his truck right next to us listening to our conversation and he pulls out three dollars, sticks it out the window and says, "Guys, this is just too painful. Take a couple bucks." I’m laughing my head off and tell him we’ve finally got it now, so we’re good to go. He says, "Please, please just take a dollar at least..." All three of us are cracking up, but I’ve got my $1.28 now and I’ve got it under control.. "Thanks anyway," I say to the guy and walk inside. That made my day. However, I think the best part was when we got to the counter and refills had gone up 5 cents. Go figure. "Get the change cup, Lori."


Anonymous said...

you two...that's really funny :) i'm glad that you got your drinks !

Unknown said...

Now thats funny!!

Anonymous said...

Calyn... You really crack me up! If I didn't have you around to tell me stories.. My life would be pretty dull! Thanks for the laugh!
Love ya,

Calyn said...

He was kinda older, I mean, not old, but probably like, 35. And I think he was married, so I should hope not. I think he was just genuinely concerned that me and Lori were spending so much time counting change. :0)

Jenshka said...

It was quite a bit funnier in person, but that was still hilarious even hearing it, well reading it, for the second time. You are awesome!