Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Today was a Good Day

1. Got my Sociology Debate over with. Halleluia!
2. Two more days of class left. Sa-weet!
3. 1 more paper to write and three exams to go! (I guess that doesn't sound all that great, but it really is.)
4. Party in Russian class tomorrow! It's the last day. (that's sad, but the party's good.)
5. Got some great ideas for Todd's new series.
6. Jed's making the set. (Thank goodness! I'm not the building type.)
7. Got a great parking spot.
8. Ran to the church and felt productive.
9. Didn't fall off any cliffs, get eaten by snakes, or fall into quicksand.
10. Got to hang out with Todd and Scott who always make me laugh.
11. Watched an episode of Cheers and some special features. Gosh I love that show.
12. Went to TCBY with my dad. (free icecream. Always good.) I love ice cream.

Oh, speaking of ice cream, Boy Meets World creamed Smallville. Sorry, Clark and Lana may be hot, but Cory and Sean are funny. That's always the most important thing. Anyway, 3 out of 4 people voted for Boy Meets World, so, sorry all you Smallville fans.
Hey, Diane. Guess what song I'm blasting on my computer???
You're the meaning in my life! You're my inspiration!!!
I thought you might enjoy that.
I hope y'all have a great day tomorrow. For those of you going to the Steven Curtis Chapman concert, have fun. I hope it's awesome. I think I may try to go to bed early tonight. Ah, probably not. But it makes me feel good to think it. I think I'll call Jenshka instead. Arrivederci, prinsapesas!


Ruthie said...

Sup girl? I really enjoyed our time also on Monday. I am looking forward to Saturday, I had a couple of ideas and wanted to bounce a few things off on you. Hey man, school is almost over. I am so proud of you for all your hard work this semester, you go girl! Call me and we will sum up plans ok? I love you

Calyn said...

Wow. Amazing.

Jenshka said...

Thanks for calling me. Even though we talked for an hour and I lost sleep, it was way worth it. I love you!

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