Saturday, April 09, 2005

Why do people hate me because I'm white, middle-class and protestant?

Today I went to take my Sociology test (have I mentioned that I hate that class? And when I say hate, I mean hate that is deeper than my hate for mosquitoes, instant grits, garlic, and the Miami hurricanes combined. Almost as much hate as I feel for X-box... but not quite.) And I'm looking at the first question, and I have no idea what the answer is. I'm thinking to myself, "Did I read the right chapter? Is everyone else as confused as I am?" Now, this is the same class where we waste our time arguing about the intense repression and persecution of women, gay people, poor people, immigrant people, Muslim people, black people, purple people; pretty much anybody who is not white, middle-class, and protestant. We come to no conclusions, we just blame everything on white men. We learn absolutely nothing, but, boy, how much more enlightened I should be now that I realize that I am not to blame for any of my problems, but it's all a product of our social system, and any mistakes I make or any problems I have can all be blamed on something else. Like my parents, or my education, or my church, or my background, or the fact that my parent's spanked me. Pretty much any excuse will do, provided that it is politically correct and has nothing to do with myself and the bad choices I've made. And we discuss things like, "since men are in charge of the world, they made gods to be men, so of course we view God as a man, but maybe God is a woman, and since we invented religion anyway, then why can't we say God is a woman, blah, blah, BLAH!!!!" Sitting in that class is not bad, it's torturous.
So, anyway, half of the questions on that test were my feminist teacher's opinions of things, and boy, if it had been in essay format, I would have let her have it, but as it was multiple choice, my options were limited. How many words can you make out of A, B, C, D, and E? Bad, Bee, Dad, Cab, Cad, Bed, Bead, Deed, and Dead. That's about it. She must think I'm the stupidest person in the world, since I believe in God, I believe in capitalism, I believe that America is a great country and is not to blame for every single one of the world's problems and I don't blame society for everything that's gone wrong in my life. Since I don't have a PhD in "Waste of Time", I must be way off. So, I got done with that and came home and took a four hour nap, which lessened my sleep deficit somewhat, and made me feel a whole lot better. Then I went running, and somebody beeped at me on Monroe Street, but I don't know who it was and probably never will, as it is with most people who beep at me. Believe it or not, I really cannot see every single face in every single car that goes by in 5:00 traffic on Monroe Street. Crazy, huh? My attention is mostly focused on staying alive and not ending up as road kill. So, if you want me to notice you, wave out the window or something. I may not notice you right then, but it will probably dawn on me later. :0) I stopped in at Fellowship Baptist Church on the way home and visited with Mrs. Martha Thompson, which was a lot of fun, because I hadn't gotten to really talk to her since the Easter Musical. We talked about plans of going to Olive Garden sometime soon. "Jesus went into Olive Garden..." :0) We love Mr. Bucky. And then I came home and took a shower and watched another episode of cheers and then went and picked up Ruth and went to a restaurant called "Crispers" which, strangely enough, is owned by Publix. It was really good. Sandwhiches, salads, wraps, coffee, (the good kind, like the frappachinos, and stuff you get at Starbucks) and desserts. We got a coupon in the mail for a free meal. Nice. I love those kinds of deals. No strings attached. Just a free meal. We went back to Rufus' afterwards and scrapbooked. Well, sorta. We mostly just talked. I have trouble multi-tasking and cannot really scrapbook and have involved conversations at the same time. So, now, here I am. I'm waiting for Veronica to call me back because it's her birthday,( well, it was her birthday, but now it's kinda Saturday morning, so I guess it's not so much now), but she's in Fort Worth for SLConference with Lauren and Skiff, [LUCKY!!! Fortunado!!!] and they were at a Mexican Restaurant, and it was really loud, so she's calling me back. So, anyway, shout-out to Veronica, because it's her birthday, oh, and to Mrs. Lisa too. I love you, Mrs. Lisa. Did you like the coconut I gave you, sparkly girl? :0) Have a great night, everyone. Arrivederci!


Lori said...

Vin, we need to change our profiles to reflect our correct ages :o)

Calyn said...

Oh, it took me a minute to figure out what you were talking about, Leah. :0) I love Sebastain. (sp.?) He's so awesome.

Jim said...

Since you have 3 research papers to write by the end of the semester, you might consider submitting this blog--it's probably long enough. :)

I love Martha also--she is an awesome lady!