Monday, April 04, 2005

Things I Love About Lori

She's travel size for my convenience.
She laughs at all my jokes, even when they're not funny.
She buys me things. :0)
She shares my love for all things Russian.
She likes driving to the Georgia State line at all hours of the night
She is my oldest friend. (Not oldest like "oldest", but oldest like, you've been my friend longer than anybody else. I just wanted to clear that up before you come over here and hit me with something.)
She owns a truck
She likes driving all the way "around" Capital Circle, even though Capital Circle is not really a circle. It's more like a horseshoe.
She likes watching all the Back to the Future movies and quoting them with me. "Great Scott!"
She lets me eat all the candy she gets for Christmas because she doesn't like it
She drove all the way to Memphis with the heater on just because i was cold
She goes running with me even though she doesn't like it
She went to the hospital with me when they made me radioactive
She entertained me when I was under the MRI machine
She wrote me a letter for every day I was in Ukraine
She can hold her breath all the way over the Appalachicola River bridge.
She knows that I really am very, very scared of aliens and never does the whole E.T. thing with the finger like everybody else, because she knows it really does scare me.
She always reminds me when we get to that train bridge I really like on the way to Graceville.
She knows all the words to all the songs on Moulin Rouge
She lets me steal the soundtrack and pretends like she doesn't know that I have it.
She acts as my short-term memory. At least I think so.
She got me through 9th grade. And 10th. And 11th...
She always runs to turn the channel when Larry King comes on, because she knows I have LarryKingphobia.
We have matching beds
We have like, 6 pairs of matching pajama pants
She made me keep going to the youth group, even when I hated it.
She doesn't think it's weird when I call her at 2:00 a.m.
She reads me Max Lucado books
She doesn't sleep, so she's very easily accessible
She doesn't eat, so we don't spend a lot of money when we hang out
We can drive for 60 miles without saying anything at all and still feel like we had a good talk
She doesn't mind sleeping on the bottom bunk when she comes over
She likes Boy Meets World more than Smallville
She says I'm her favorite
She read me the Tale of the Three Trees every night in San Antonio
She likes listening to me play the piano, but doesn't make me if I don't want to
She lets me hide out at her house when I don't want to be at my own
She lets me sleep in her top bunk when the boys are playing X-box till 3 a.m.
She doesn't think it's bad when I skip school
She likes road trips. Especially to Alabama
She loves my beautiful singing voice. UTAH!!! UTAH ON MY MIND!!! MAAAAIIINE!
She likes Bailey, and not the cats
She makes me things to keep me warm, like scarves and blankets.
She can keep track of all my favorite foods
She knows all my favorite animals in order of importance, from Moose to Octopi
She lets me pretend I'm cool even though I'm not
She doesn't mind blasting the air conditioner in the summer just so I can pretend it's winter time and to give me an excuse to sing Christmas carols.
She doesn't think it's that weird that I'm obsessed with symmetryyrtemmys.
She appreciates St. Patrick's Day almost as much as me.
She knows the difference between "I'm fine", "I'm fine" and "I'm fine" just by my facial expressions
She likes listening to Oldies music a lot.
She buys everyone in my family Christmas presents
She says things in French really pretty
She loves VeggieTales too
She doesn't think it's weird that I like the show "Between the Lions" even though it's for little kids. Cuz she likes it too. "Look, look, see, see, going down the lane. There goes Scott, there goes Dot, there goes Chicken Jane. BRACK!!!"
We both love Caedmon's Call
She knows all the rules for using commas.
She knows all the fish on the Crystal River placemat thingies.
She's sorta named after a fish. :0)
She has connections
She lets me experiment on her hair.
She knows that Coke is better than Pepsi, but Diet Pepsi is better than Diet Coke.
She knows that Coke Light beats them all.
She understands my family. Well, as much as anyone really could.
She doesn't think it's weird that I'm so into politics
She memorized the Lion King and will quote the movie in it's entirety
She never says "What's wrong?" just because I'm not smiling, because she knows that I often smile just so people won't ask me that, and there really might be nothing wrong.
She demands to know what's wrong when there is something wrong, whether I'm smiling or not because she doesn't need to ask. She already knows.
She's my own personal volunteer doctor/psychologist/counselor/tutor/secretary/accountant/agent.
She memorized all the words to "Shine" with me
She helped me make the shift from "Oh you were homeschooled.", as in "that explains it" to "Oh you were homeschooled?" as in "Really? I wouldn't have guessed that."
She knows that my favorite color is green, my favorite time of day is after 11:00 p.m., that my favorite shampoo is Thermasilk, that my favorite food is scallops, (quickly followed by mashed potatoes), that my favorite movies are The Shawshank Redemption and Moulin Rouge, that Tom Hanks is my favorite actor, that if I have more than 3 hours of free time I will attempt to go to Wakulla Springs, that my favorite sport to watch is college football, that my favorite sport to play is ultimate frisbee, that my favorite T.V. show is "Cheers" that I want to marry someone like Woody, that my favorite season is fall, that I hate taking showers but love water, that I appreciate the convenience but am still terrified of getting zapped by the microwave, that I like coffee only from the machines at gas stations, that my favorite thing at Taco Bell is Mexi-Melts, that my favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast, that Publix is better than Winn-Dixie, that Wal-Mart is better than Target, that fake Mexican food is better than authentic Mexican food, that I despise garlic, that I like dark chocolate better than milk chocolate, and that only I can prevent forest fires.
She helps me get to know Jesus better.
She knows when i'm doing something wrong and isn't afraid to confront me about it.
She knows what I'm really like when nobody else is around.
And it may be cheesy, butI love Lori most just because she's Lori.


Lori said...

I really don't have words.

you are my favorite.

ya loobloo tibya.

Jim said...

That's great, everyone should have such a dear friend. However, I must say that Diet Coke is better than Diet Pepsi or Coke Light. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow... Lori is awesome. Calyn you are lucky to have someone as awesome as her love you and Lori you are lucky to have someone as awesome as Calyn love you!...I like the music it makes me think of riding rides in Disney with you like a million years ago Calyn! Also, I would have to say that I am sooooo glad that someone else listens to Christmas music and turns the air all the way up just so it feels like Christmas! I think it is funny that we both love Christmas music so much, but we never have christmas parties together dunring the summer! We should have one this year in your NEW CAR! I love you Calyn! And LORI TOO.. since this blog is all about lori.. Happy Birthday to both of you since well today is both of your birthdays!

Anonymous said...

well, it seems as if i always delete important emails (such as the one with your site name in it) and so i found your site through todd's. i think that's funny, cause i don't even know him. anyway, happy birthday! it was good to talk to you last night. oh by the way, those things to do at walmart (on one of your previous posts) are awesome! i will definitely have to steal those ideas, considering the only thing to do in arkadelphia is go to walmart. znyome razhdenya! (i don't know if that's right or not, but you get the idea!) talk to you soon!
p.s. hope your car gets better! :)

Lori said...

Paul--I don't have words about what she wrote.

she is my favorite (that's a separate thought)

and I do love her (that's another separate thought...

way to ruin a moment :o)

Calyn said...

Pauls, if you don't like it turn it down. :0P

Calyn said...

Special K, I'm sorry it doesn't work for you. It works on other people's so I don't know how to fix it for you. Lo siento

TX said...
