Monday, March 14, 2005

I have absolutely nothing exciting to say today. So instead I will bore you with what is going on with me right now. Which is pretty much nothing exciting. If you have anything remotely interesting going on with you right now, you should leave me a comment about it. That would be exciting, because then everyone could read about your awesome life in my comments, and that would make me look a whole lot more interesting because at least people would see I have interesting friends.

What am I doing: procrastinating. I have so much homework it's not even funny. But, I really don't care at this point. I just don't think it's worth it.

What I am wearing: My awesome St. Patrick's Day pajama pants with my "wired" shirt from the winter retreat, and my lion slippers from Sveta. I'm color coordinated. You should be proud.

What am I listening to: I love Rhapsody. We have it, and you can listen to whatever music you want and make playlists and stuff. It's very exciting. And no commercials. I just finished listening to the Bryds sing Turn! Turn! Turn! and now I'm listening to Simon and Garfunkel sing the sound of silence.

What I am excited about: Leah's birthday is tomorrow! Sweet 16! Rock on. So we're having a party tomorrow, and then Jenshka's birthday is the 25th and I'm skipping school and we're going to WAKULLA SPRINGS!!! My favoritest place in the whole world! (Except for Ukraine, of course.)

What I accomplished today: I finished writing my support letter for my mission trip (however, I neglected to buy black ink today at Staples, and so I have not been able to print the support letter. But I'm farther along in the process than I was yesterday, so that's good). I went to school. (Believe me, that was an accomplishment. The day after spring break ends is one of the worst days ever, so the fact that I made it to school was impressive.) I got a 96 on my history test, which was very exciting. I looked up all the people who are buried in the Tallahassee Old City Cemetery for a school project (which saved me from actually going to the Old City Cemetery. Isn't technology wonderful?) I went and helped plan Russian Food Night, Monday, March 21st at 6:30 p.m. at FSU if anyone wants to go. I also went to drama practice and remembered most of my lines and that was fun. I think that was about it.

Who made me laugh today: Aaron Bradberry, who is oh so awesome, Glenn Beck, who I was listening to on the radio (Todd, I don't want to hear any comments from you), Mr. Bucky, John from Russian club, and the beepy machine in the Joy Dome that Mr. Reid was riding on to hang the lights up for the Easter musical. We kept telling it to hush, but it wouldn't. I don't think it cared.

Why today is a very special day: (I guess I'm under obligation to say it was Kenley's Birthday. happy birthday, kenley. ) I'm just kidding, Kenley. Happy Birthday. But it was the first day I didn't have to wear a jacket outside and I was okay with that. I was actually pretty warm in my car. That was great. It's still freezing in my house, but my awesome lion slippers that Sveta gave me are keeping my feet warm. Okay, so I'm going to go now and read about some stuff for my national government class. I don't remember what it's about. I suppose it's about government. That would probably be an accurate guess. Arrivederci!


Anonymous said...

Keep listenening Calyn. And don't worry about that Todd guy. When does his radio show come on anyway?

Anonymous said...

Keep listenening Calyn. And don't worry about that Todd guy. When does his radio show come on anyway?

Anonymous said...

Keep listenening Calyn. And don't worry about that Todd guy. When does his radio show come on anyway?

Lori said...

HEY--I'm not real exciting, but I finished my support letter this morning, so YEA for us :o)

Love ya,
me :o)

Lori said...

HEY--I'm not real exciting, but I finished my support letter this morning, so YEA for us :o)

Love ya,
me :o)

Lori said...

HEY--I'm not real exciting, but I finished my support letter this morning, so YEA for us :o)

Love ya,
me :o)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am sorry that I missed your call last night. I was playing frisbee so I did not have my phone on me. I will try and call you tonight. I love you!!!