Sunday, March 20, 2005

So many good things

Wow, I really don't have a lot of time to write, but so many awesome things have been happening with me lately. It's been such an encouraging week. I still haven't gotten to write about what I learned from Erwin McManus, but I'll get to it eventually. We just got done with the Easter Musical this morning, and I have to say that I haven't had so much fun being in a Northwoods Easter musical since, well, ever. It was AWESOME! These are some of the reasons why:

1. Our drama director, Martha Thompson is one of the coolest people I have ever met. She goes to Four Oaks Church, and came over to direct the drama. Jesus radiates from her. She is incredible. I learned so much from her over the past few weeks, and she was such a blessing to get to know.

2. Mr. Dayton, Mr. Bucky, Todd, Dan and Shannon are awesome. We were the narrarators for the musical, and it was so much fun. I enjoyed hanging out with all of you. Hey ya'll, we "survived"!

3. The music was awesome. My favorite song was "When God Ran." The story of the prodigal son is one of my favorites. These are the words:

Almighty God, the Great I am, Immovable Rock,
Omnipotent, powerful, awesome Lord
Victorious warrior, commanding King of Kings, Mighty conqueror
and the only time, the only time I ever saw Him run

Was when He ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
“Son do you know I still love you?”
He caught me by surprise, when God ran

The day I left home, I knew I’d broken His heart
And I wondered then if things could ever be the same
Then one night I remembered His love for me
And down that dusty road ahead I could see
It was the only time – it was the only time I ever saw Him run

And then He ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said
“My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
“Son do you know I still love you?”
He caught me by surprise
as He brought me to my knees
When God ran –

I saw Him run to me
I was so ashamed, all alone and so far away
But now I know He’s been waiting for this day

I saw Him run to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice I felt His love for me again
He ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said, “Son”,
He called me Son
He said, “Son do you know I still love you?”
He ran to me and then I ran to Him
When God ran

It was my favorite part. During the song, Mr. Lloyd stood on the stage as the father of the son, and he stood there scanning the audience, searching. And then in the back of the church, he spotted Mark walking towards him, and he ran down the stairs and ran all the way down the aisles to Mark. Mark fell on his knees, but Mr. Lloyd pulled him up and gave him this huge hug. I can just imagine Jesus waiting for us, scanning the horizon until he sees us come to him, and then running headlong to us to bring us home.

4. I got to meet so many people that I didn't know before, like Dan, Tom, Gabe, Mark and Mark. Since Northwoods is so big, there's a lot of people I never get to see, and when things like Easter Musicals come about, God always brings together such a great group of people and getting to know them is so much fun! Doing things like this always gives me a better picture of what the Body of Christ is like. I mean, there's so many parts, choir members, orchestra members, technical guys and drama people, but somehow it always comes together at the end and turns into something so great.

5. God ROCKS!!! Thanks Jesus, for this opportunity. I love you!


Lori said...

Hey Vin, I wanted to talk to you today about how much God blessed me through the Easter Musical this year and what an encouragement it has been in my life. I've been in the NBC Easter Musical just about forever now, but for some reason this one was different for me I was really able to worship and connect with God in a way I haven't in a while. There were so many things that just reminded me that, WOW! GOD IS SO AWESOME! I'll talk to you more about it later, but just thought you'd enjoy a comment :o)

Love ya,
me :o)

Anonymous said...

Hey Calyn!
Just so happened to read your blog today and I found it really encouraging. I feel the same way about the Easter Musical. I havn't missed one since I was maybe 6 and I've always loved it. It really does bring people in the church together. You rehearse together for weeks and get to know people you have never met before, or just never had a chance to get to know, and then it is kind of sad when it is all over because you really become connected to them. I didn't get to know very many people this year because I only did dancing, but still it was encouraging to see so many new faces getting involved in it.
By the way, you narrarators were awesome! Good job.:)
Heather M.

Calyn said...

Hey Heather! Thanks! You did a great job dancing. I love watching ya'll do that, and it was cool because this year I actually got to watch. I'm usually in the back somewhere, but this time I got a front row seat. Thanks for serving!

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun with you this past week getting ready for the musical! We should hang out more often! You did such a great job! My favorite line you said was.. when you would say.. "Yes, I do believe, I believe you are the son of God.." I know it was the hardest for you, but you did such a great job with it. Every time you said that you sounded like you were really saying yes to God over and over again! thank you for being so encougaging! YOu are probably the nicest most thoughtful person I know! You really did an awesome job or at least God did an awesome job through you! Thanks for being there always! I love you lots! I am praying for you today!