Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Which Boy Meets World Character Are You?

Cool, you're Cory Matthews, Sweet but can be a bit pushy, Sensitive, Good head on your shoulders, parents completely trust you with their son/daughter. You are a good person.

Okay everybody. I want to know who you are. Hey, Diane. Look, this is a coherent and complete sentence. :0) You should be oh so proud. I couldn't find a "which smallville character are you?" quiz; I was trying to be objective. But, honestly I'd prefer not to be any of the characters in smallville. They've got major issues. We had another Smallville party at the Stringer's house tonight, and Lana was dating some guy who was like Magneto on X-men, and then Lex was going crazy and his dad was trying to kill him, and it's just far too much of a soap opera for me. I know I'm treading on thin ice right now, because it's a very popular show at the moment, but I think I'll stick with Boy Meets World. Those are issues I can relate to- crazy hair going everywhere, annoying siblings, homework, squirting milk through your nose, you know, the like. I can't handle secret identities and characters dying in almost every episode. It's like Power Rangers meets the Bold and the Beautiful. Well, I'm going to bed now. Just one more day and then- THE WEEKEND!!! It's coming early this week, because my very special friend, Jenshka, is having a very special birthday party at a very special place. You know where I'm talking about! My second favorite place in the whole world! Home of alligators, swimming birds and Henry the Pole-vaulting fish! I'm coming, Wakulla Springs, soon and very soon.


Jenshka said...

What's your first favorite place? Oh wait, it's probably Ukraine. Was Wakulla Springs your first favorite place before you went to Ukraine?

Jenshka said...

Oh yeah, and I'm Cory too.

Lori said...


Lori said...

As far as the smallville party goes...Calyn, I love that you make me laugh :o)

Calyn said...

Yes, well, I sorta use the whole "favorite place" phrase for both Ukraine and Wakulla Springs, but I usually say that Wakulla Springs is my favorite place in the western hemisphere and Ukraine is my favorite place in the Eastern hemisphere. That way I don't have to chose between them. I can't believe we're all Cory. Come on, wasn't anybody Eric?

Calyn said...

Angela! Way random. I didn't even know she was an option. she's pretty cool, though. And Sarah, I can't wait to jump off high things with you either. See ya tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Я сподіваюся ви та Sarah не приїжджаєте завдані біль стрибанню високих речей. Майте утіху!


Calyn said...

Mr. Jim! You are so awesome. But, I don't speak Ukrainian, so I'm kinda confused. Помоги мне! :0) Oh, and Paul. Morgan is from Boy Meets World, not Smallville. You really should watch it some time. It's the best show ever! :0)

Lori said...

Mr. Jim--You're AWESOME!!! That's super cool!!!!

Calyn said...

Brandon! Eric fits you. You are so awesome.

Calyn said...

Oh, wait. Mr. Jim, did you say you hope that when Sarah gets here we don't get hurt jumping? That's as close as I could get. Don't worry, We'll be careful. :0) From experience I've learned that bicycles are much more dangerous, because none of us have ever gotten hurt jumping off the high dive however, with bicycles...

Anonymous said...

Very good Calyn. That was the first part and the last part said "Have fun!"