Thursday, March 10, 2005

I Love Road Trips!

Oh my gosh. Me and Veronica had such a great time these past two days. It was so much fun. I got to Birmingham on Tuesday night and I got to go to the Student Life office, which I had never been to before, so that was exciting. It's a lot bigger than I thought. And then me and Veronica drove back to the house of the people she's staying with, the Bevills. (Veronica sorta had a car, well, it wasn't a car, it was a huge green bus, and, well, she sorta hit a tree, so I did the driving) My parents let me take the mustang, and I must admit, we looked pretty hot riding around in that car. :0) We went to Walmart and bought a bunch of stuff to make Ukrainian food. Cucumbers and tomatoes! Rock on! (I know you miss them Lauren... you just can't wait) No, actually, I really did miss cucumber and tomato salad. Then we went to buy crab meat (not the real kind, the artificial kind, that really cheap, but still good) and we couldn't find it, so I asked the guy at the seafood counter where it was and he started talking to Veronica, and finally we got away and we were looking at the crab meat, and he came over again. Okay, picture this guy: Alabama, flannel (no offense, Todd), and an accent that was barely recognizable. Makes for a very, shall we say, country sort of fellow. Anyway, he says to Veronica, "So, arrre youu frum up nawrth sumwhaaare?" And Veronica says, "No, I'm from Ukraine." And he just had this blank look on his face, like, "well, that didn't answer my question at all. Is Ukraine north of Shelby county or south???" He obviously had no idea where it was. He kept bothering her, and eventually said, "So du you gow oud much?" And I said, "No, she doesn't." And I grabbed Veronica and we walked away. Far away, deep into the heart of the produce section where the bananas shielded us well. We were laughing soooo hard. I can't wait to tell Oleg. Tuesday night we stayed up and called Lori and Lauren and Lena Osadcha. Lena was buried in a stack of books at the library trying to write a paper about something quite complicated so I think we were a welcome break for her. She's going to be in Birmingham tomorrow, and I don't get to see her. Grrrrrr. Oh well.
Wednesday morning we got up and made Ukrainian food! We made salad and blini and this crab salad stuff, which is very good. And I didn't ruin it, which was good. I'm the worst cook in the world. I pity my future husband. I can make eggs, waffles, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. (Not all in the same pan. I use different ones. ) Oh, I can make toast too. I've almost got that one down. Sometimes I put too little butter on it, though. I'm still working on perfecting it. Anyway, I cut up stuff, which doesn't involve fire, blenders, or ovens, so I was okay and I washed dishes, which isn't too terribly complicated. And then me and Veronica got ready to go SHOPPING! I hadn't been shopping in forever and we went to this mall called 'the Summit' which was really expensive, so we didn't buy anything except at Old Navy. Veronica had never been to Old Navy before and she got a really cute black shirt. Then we went to this place called the Cheesecake Factory, which doesn't just sell cheesecake. It's like, a whole restaurant, and it's really good. After that we went to Target, and we did some major damage in Target. We even got sorta matching shirts. They're the same shirt, but mine's orange and hers is green. Speaking of orange, Veronica brought me an awesome "TAK!" shirt from the orange revolution and she brought me this special edition magazine from Independence Square and Ukrainian chocolate. (The best chocolate in the whole world.) And my friend, Sveta (Спасибо огромное, Света! Я люблю тебя!) sent me these awesome slippers and a magazine too. I feel so special. Then that night we went to Brook Hills for their youth worship service, and I got to see some people I knew, and this drama team called the 'traveling vagabonds' which had a bunch of people from the old "All things to all people" performed and it was so it was AWESOME! After that we went to my friend, Deb Brooker's house and hung out there. It was good to see her. Lauren, we went up to the "Chawlston" suite. :0) Me, Veornica and Deb wrote Sveta an email from the three of us. And then we went back to the Bevills and went to bed, and I got up this morning and we went to Walmart again (fortunately the seafood redneck was not there) and bought a bunch of snacks and presents for Kevin Carroll to take to Ukraine with him, because he's leaving on Monday and we wrote notes to the Radooga staff. Fun stuff. And then I came home and went straight to church to work on the set, and have drama practice, which went surprisingly well. Everthing came together, which is so weird, because I definitely had my doubts. I guess God is good like that. Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed because I still haven't gotten any sleep in the past month, and spring break is almost over. Sad day. That's alright. Only 5 more weeks of school once I go back. that's not so bad. Sorry this was so long. It was a very exciting past few days. If anybody read it all I'd be surprised. Arrivederci!

1 comment:

Jenshka said...

I read it all. Oh, and Leah, if you're talking about the redneck guy, than that is gross.