Thursday, March 03, 2005

Solo Un Dia Mas!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh! It's so close, peoples. In just 14 more hours I will be officially on Spring Break. 14 hours. As Gandalf would say, "And, that is an encouraging thought."
So, nothing exciting happened today. At least not that I can think of. And that's kind of sad, because I can usually think of something exciting that happened. Let me think. Well, I had to take my car to the shop (AGAIN!) today because the starter wasn't working. And my steering wheel was loose and I started thinking about those cartoons where Wiley Coyote is driving and the steering wheel just comes off the car and he crashes off a cliff, and I thought it might be a good idea to fix that. I don't want to die this early in life. But that isn't all that exciting. I mean, it's exciting that I didn't die today, but not that I got my car fixed. Cuz that's pretty commonplace. Well, I got extra credit on my Russian test because I remembered the word, "Достопримечательность" which is a very long word. It's not as long as "antidissestablishmentarianism", though. But I guess that would only help me on an English test. I studied tonight for my history test at the TCC library with Jonathan Skagfield and this girl named Meaghan and that actually was pretty fun. I found out that Jonathan is good friends with Daniel Lloyd so we have even more mutual friends. Anyway, I've gotta go keep studying for history. I will miss all of y'all peoples who are going on the Student Life Conference. I'm so jealous! Say hi to Veronica for me! And, Lori, when you see Mark, Jennifer, and Johnny, tell them I said hi! Arrivederci!

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