Thursday, March 17, 2005

Latha math dhuibh!

I went to the Jars of Clay concert tonight at the Bomb Shelter (the wesley foundation) and it was so awesome! I love Jars of Clay. Their new CD that comes out next week is going to be awesome! We got to hear some songs from it, and it was great. I'm so tired though I felt like I was going to fall asleep driving home and I'm just kinda floating about because I haven't gotten enough sleep in oh, maybe, 2 months. So if I've made all sorts of spelling and grammer errors, forgive me. I'm going to bed now. Me and Lori just listened to a sermon by Erwin McManaus (sp.?) It was the second time I listened to it today, and I'm going to write all about it tomorrow. I'm inspired. I hope you all had an awesome St. Patrick's Day. Mine was great. As the Irish say:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Slàn leibh! (goodbye in Gaelic. I just couldn't bear to be Italian on St. Patrick's Day.)


Rebekah said...

Hey Girl!
Glad you had fun. Sorry I couldn't come. I didn't get out of class before Jed and Hannah left. Sounds like y'all had a really good time. We need to get together some time. Oh and we are going to see Sarah this weekend. I am way excited!

TX said...

=) Hey Calyn! Nice to know you are alive.
Here Kyiv is OK.
Today [on saturday] I was on the Radooga conference. It was soooooooo funnny!!!!! ;-)
I've made hundrets of pictures on the digit camera!
After the canference (I was in the 'volonter' staff) Slavik (1 my friend) and I helped "Radooga" to disdamage the equipment from the stage.
We were delivered the different stuf to the Radooga office. We were in the car and Oleg Vasilevsky was talking with 1 american man. When we were passing near of my appartment - Oleg was saying something about you. (i guess. he was talking in english. I didn't understand him good.) He said something about the Pitzza, something about the sitting in that Pitzza-house(restourant).
I thought: WOW. Calyn was in 2 steps of my appatment. it was heppenning so near!!!!!!!

so is it true story or my english leied to me?

I'm about to post photos from the conference into my blog.(but not right now. Now i'm in the e-net club-cafe and the photos are in the camera)I'll do it at home.

Your friend Anton.

Calyn said...

Oh, I bet he was talking to Kevin Carroll. He was in Ukraine for the week. He was there for camp 3, so you probably didn't meet him. That's so funny. Isn't it a small world? Yeah, that's probably the place that Oleg took us to get pizza a couple times. Weird. I'm glad the conference was awesome.