Thursday, April 14, 2005

Talented People

I think Leon High School has a disproportionate amount of talented people. The Leon "Showcase" was tonight (the first of 2 nights) and I went to see Jenshka get bodacious in her 80's attire- complete with turquoise fish-net stockings, neon pink spandex shorts, gnarly jean skirt, oversized T-shirt with the bad to the bone Energizer bunny on the front (of course hanging off her shoulder with the bottom pulled to the side and bunched into a scrunchie) and side pony-tail. She looked really rad. And her group did a great job. Oh, and shout-out to Joe Lyons too, who is an awesome singer and had me so impressed I think my jaw was dropped open for 5 minutes.
Actually all the people who were involved did an outstanding job. (Sorry, I can't come up with anymore positive 80's lingo. I know you're so disappointed.) There were dancers, musicians, singers, acapella groups, and a jazz band. I'd have to say the two most interesting things were 1) Heavy Metal Jazz by the Saigon Suicide Squad and 2) the Brazilian karate/dance/musical/breakdancing people. They were AWESOME. I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to finish homework and pack for me, Tamara and Lori's trip to Atlanta tomorrow. Fun, fun, fun. :0)


Jenshka said...

Yeah, those were definitely the two most interesting performances, although the booty dancing "Missez" come in at a close third. If I didn't know Lucas and Danny, I would have been really freaked out by the whole Saigon Suicide Squad performance. Lucas's mask was just creepy. I'm gonna have nightmares tonight about it.

Calyn said...

See, I thought it was awesome. I liked the mask

Calyn said...

Oh, um, the booty dancing ladies weren't very good. I mean, I've seen Save the Last Dance, and had they been good, it might have been cool, but they really couldn't dance. At least, I didn't think so. Other than that, everyone was great.

Jenshka said...

Yeah, I have to agree with you about the booty dancers. Wow, you're quick on the response there.