Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Two Lefts Don't Make a Right

Today was a pretty great day. I went to school (Well, I skipped National Government, and then I went to school) and Georgiana brought us chicken fingers from Outback, because she works there and they were throwing a bunch of chicken fingers away, so we had a chicken party in Russian class. Then I went to wal-mart to pick up the hideous glasses I ordered. I hate the way I look in glasses, which is why I ordered contacts while I was there. :0) My dad thought it would be a good idea to just go ahead and get the glasses, so that at least I would have them if I needed them. I managed to walk all the way around Walmart and exit without buying anything. Applause, applause. Then I came home and I attempted to work on some more of my papers, but that was to no avail. There comes a point where I just don't care anymore. I mean, I suppose will have to care in about 24 hours, but as for now, I'm okay with not caring. At about 4:30 I went over to the Myrick's and I was going to go running at Old Bainbridge Park because I'm tired of seeing Crowder road, and I'm especially tired of the giant hill that leads up to my house and Brandon was at home and said he wanted to go running with me. Now, this is the same boy who just ran a mile in 6:05, and I said, "But Brandon, you're really good, and if I let you go with me, you'll see how much I suck." But he insisted, so I said okay. I mean, it is nice to have company afterall. So, I went to put my tennis shoes that I brought on, and I put my left shoe on, and I went to pick up the other, and it appeared awfully "leftish". Now, I was never good at telling my right from my left, so I figured I was just stupid, but as I recall, the left shoe kinda curves out to the left, and this shoe was curving awfully leftly. It was at that point I realized that I had brought two left shoes. And we all know that two lefts do not make a right, (although I have heard that three do from somewhere). Mr. Paul said I probably had a pair of right shoes just like those at home. Ha-ha, Yo-Yo Paul. It's probably like a mustard seed too, now isn't it? So I borrowed one of Jenna's right shoes which was much too big, and I kept my left shoe on because at least I had one that fit. I don't think anyone noticed. Except maybe the Myrick family. So now I have a big blister on the back of my right foot. I suppose there must be some kind of spiritual lesson in this, but I can't think of one at the moment, so I'll have to get back to you. If you think of one, let me know.
Anyway, so me and Brandon ran down Tower Road to the river which had flooded a bunch and was kinda weird looking, so swollen like that. There was a random couch floating out there, and had we brought our bathing suits we may have swam towards it, but instead we stopped where the water met the road and wondered why someone would take the time to put a couch out there. As we were running back I found out that that was that very spot that gave Brandon the inspiration for the book he's writing (not the couch, the river) which was formerly called "The Shadow Perfect" but is now something else that I can't remember at the moment. It was a very cool story. I can't wait until the day I can say I know a famous author. That will be fun.
I came back to Jenshka's and took a shower and then me and her picked up Callie and PCBSWTPC went on the road to Chiles' High school where we saw Daniel and Amanda, Amy Vinson and Jake the Cake play in a very awesome concert. Jazz band was AWESOME!!! After that we went to TCBY and read Act's chapter 12, where Paul miraculously gets out of jail and Herod gets eaten by worms. (Gross!) And then I came back to Jenshka's and messed up the Myrick's calendar (as usual) and am now at home, where I should be doing homework but instead am not. Oh, and Kenley called me asking where in Walmart the International Phone cards were located. I gave him very specific, detailed directions, (starting from the 8.88 DVD's proceed forward until you reach the bandana/belt/purse section and look to your right and they will be at the start of an aisle on the left. But if you reach the jewelry, you've gone too far.) but he still couldn't get there without help from Lori. It's no wonder men don't ask for directions. It doesn't help. Well, I guess that about covers it. So, remember to check your shoes in the morning, keep your couch firmly planted in your living room, and don't ask Kenley where things are in Wal-Mart. Arrivederci!


Ruthie said...

Girl you are so crazy! I always get such a kick out of reading your bloggs. Your days are far more exciting than mine, you wierdo!! :) Hope you have a great rest of the week, I am so proud of you for working hard in school. We are almost done!!

Anonymous said...

you are such a good story teller...ya'll be sure to call me this weekend! (or i'll try to call you!) :)