Wednesday, May 11, 2005

He интересно, sorry.

New development. Kenny Chesney has married Rene Zellweger. Oy gevalt. I suppose this is old news for those of you who found it out yesterday, however, for those of you who don't have time to bore yourself with Hollywood romance, there it is. I have to say, I was pretty surprised.
I really have nothing much to say today. I didn't do anything of consequence that I can think of. Took Bailey to the vet, went to the church, went jogging, oh, I went to Lake ella with Pauls, Aaron, Jenshka and Lori and we interviewed people about Hollywood and Love (hence the interest in Kenny and Rene.) After that we went to Taco Bell, which is quite possibly my second favorite place in the Western Hemisphere. (Although, don't quote me on that, because I'm really tired and probably will think of some place I like better in the morning.)
Oh, for those of you that don't visit Diane's blog and never saw the Nintendo Acapella group, here's the link. It's very awesome.
I hope everyone's having a great day! One more day for Tamara, one more day for Nicole, 6 more days for Jenna, 6 more days for Special K and then your summer will be here! Oh, and only 24 days until I go to Ukraine! That's less than four weeks. как интересно!
Well, goodnight everyone and Arrivederci!


Unknown said...

.. i read EVERY WORD... every single word... no word was left unread...

Jenshka said...

I can't believe you adopted an Oscary. That made my day.