Sunday, May 29, 2005

A Long Day

After spending the night with Sarah and going to bed at 2:30, we woke up "rawring" to go and hopped out of bed. The sun was shining, the birds were singing... No, wait. The moon was shining, the crickets were was definitely 4:30 in the morning. After thinking I may die in a car crash from falling asleep, me, Sarah and Rachel arrived safely at Northwoods where we were dropping Rachel off at 5:15 to go on the bike trip. It was a rather melancholy morning, both because this was the first bike trip I wasn't going on and because I will be headed for Ukraine by the time all the bike trip peoples get back, so this would be the last time I see them. Грустный день.
Can I just say how awesome Jenna Myrick is? I was on the verge of tears because I'm not sure if I can survive until July 13th without her. I'm so happy she's coming to Ukraine, though. At least I won't have to wait until I come back to see her. That's exciting. She graduated yesterday and she looked so pretty in her red cap and gown. I went to two graduations yesterday, the Chiles graduation to see Rufus and Daniel and the Leon graduation to see Special K and Jenshka. I'm so proud of everyone. And none of the four of you are going away. Hooray! (hey, that rhymed.) That makes me doubly happy.
Anyway, so I was so sad Jenna was leaving and when they finally pulled out at 6:30, me and Sarah went back to my house to catch up on some much needed sleep. But I found when I got home, I missed Jenna. So, I called her. At 6:42. And I said, "Jenshka..." and she said, "You miss me already?" And I said, "Yes...Where are you?" And she said, "Killearn, Calyn." Alright, so I was going through withdrawls, okay? But I love how everyone has cellphones. It's wonderful. I already talked to Todd, Jenna and Pauls tonight. They'll probably be very sick of me by the end of this week. Actually, they're probably already sick of me. Hmmm. Oh well.
Christian Horton, Chris Myrick, and Sappy are also on my list of favorite people. (Not that they weren't before, I just renewed their membership.) They made me laugh so hard at ROC tonight. I love them.
I hope you're all doing something fun and exciting for Memorial Day tomorrow. I think we're just having a cookout or something, but I hope we do something cool. Anyway, have a great holiday tomorrow! Our veterans rock!


Ruthie said...

Glad you are doing well Calyn. Did you do anything fun for Memorial Day? I missed you this evening since it is Monday night, can we plan a time later this week? Please give me a call, we need to catch up. Love u!

Jenshka said...

Calyn, I'm so glad that you missed me after 12 minutes of my leaving. I miss you too. I don't know if I can survive without you until I see you in Ukraine. What am I going to do without you?