Thursday, May 19, 2005

Variations on a Theme

I love to read. I really do. I'll sit down and read all through the night and stop and realize it's 5 in the morning and then jump to the next chapter because I only have 100 pages left. But I realized the other day (after finishing This Present Darkness for the fifth time and getting ready to pull out Sherlock Holmes once again) that I've read all the books for all the authors that I really like. And when I go to the library, I always end up getting a book I've already read because looking at titles is rather overwhelming since I have no idea if the author's good or not. And there are a lot of terrible authors out there. I guess I'd rather re-read a book I know is good than waste my time reading a book that turns out to be some second-rate, skim-through type thing.
But I decided I would do my research and said, "I'll go to a Christian book review website so that maybe I can find some good authors there." So, a couple sites all recommended this one author, and I thought, "well, that's awesome. There's another author I can read." So I reserved 2 books by the guy last week at the library and picked them up yesterday.
Fast forward to this afternoon. I come home from northwoods at like, 7, and think, "wow, I have nothing to do tonight. I can read this book." So, I pick it up and start reading. Probably one of the worst books I've ever read. I got to page 124 and couldn't take anymore. I tried, I really did. I think a 12 year old could have written it. Why is that? ("Mediocrity. that's what we strive for.") The first page of the book is all these positive reviews like, "A masterpiece. I highly recommend!" and "Powerful, moving. An excellent read." Obviously these people haven't read the book.
I guess it's just disappointing. I don't understand why Christian fiction has so many issues. I suppose there's cruddy authors on the secular side too, but I hardly ever come across Christian fiction that when I'm done with it, I say, "wow, I'm really glad I spent 6 hours or so reading that. It was definitely worth my time." And the ones that are really good don't spit out books fast enough to keep me occupied. Maybe that means I should just use my time for something else that's more productive. Anybody wanna shout out their favorite authors? I like pretty much anything. Except for law-type books. I like John Grisham okay, but otherwise I don't really like stuff with lawyers and all that. Anyway, give me some ideas on what to get at the library the next time and you'll make a pathetic, bookless girl very happy. I'm going to read Sherlock Holmes now. Maybe the endings will have changed. That would be exciting. Arrivederci!


Calyn said...

Okay, well, it will have to be after I take over the world, abolish speed limits, turn all the stop signs to yield signs, outlaw garlic bread, and there was something else. What was it, Pauls? I don't remember. Then I will write a book

Anonymous said...

hey calyn!! i sent you and lori an email on monday, but i've been gone all week. just wondering if ya'll have gotten it?

Anonymous said...

I'm just finishing up the Redemption Series written by Karen Kingsbury and Garry Smalley. They are very good Christian fiction. Not quite, but almost as good as Francine Rivers (NO one is as good as Francine Rivers!).