Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Brandon Myrick is so hilarious

So he walks into drama practice today (The drama about Phil, Gil, Bill, Will, Jill and Officer Hill. It's awesome, ya'll will love it.) and he says, "Hey guys. 50-cent is changing his name." We were like, "What?" And he was like, "Yeah, he's changing it to 60-cent 'cause of inflation." I love that kid.
Speaking of inflation, Subway jacked up their prices again. I'll only pay so much for a sandwich... but at least the people there are really nice. Me and Bakah went to Firehouse on North Monroe the other day and the lady there wasn't nice at all. But the manager did let Bakah use the maybe that made up for a little. And Firehouse is even more expensive than Subway. Meh. I kinda like Firehouse better, but not that much better.
Today I miss Shandra. A lot. I hope West Virgina really is "Almost Heaven." Cause she deserves it.
Well, I'm gonna attempt to get more than 6 hours of sleep tonight, so I'm gonna go. Arrivederci!


Anonymous said...

CALYN...I did that drama a few years back...old school studenlife? Heck yes! I forget who I was...I'm thinkin Jill?!

Calyn said...

What? That's amazing you remember that. Awesome. I think you had to have been Jill. She's the only girl. :0) What's funny is this time Jenna's Jill and she gets to cheat on her one brother, Chris, for her other brother, Brandon. We have a shortage of unrelated people in the drama department. Hopefully no one will read too much into that. That would take Todd a whole other sermon...

Jenshka said...

Haha. I do love my brothers, but not like that. That is such a great skit though. It's gonna be awesome if we do it right.

Anonymous said...

Hey Calyn.

I miss you too. West Virginia is definitly not "almost heaven" cause you're not here! I am still looking for a job and a church, so I'm really pretty lonely. I have been having computer problems, so I just got around to catching up on your blog. I still think of Thursday as Calyn day! So, that will be tomorrow.

I love you.
Study hard!