Wednesday, September 28, 2005

How is it already 1:00?

I'm listening to the "You've Got Mail" soundtrack and someone's singing about how "the Lord must be in New York City" which is probably very true, (although I'm not there at the moment so I can't vouch for that.) However, I am very sure of the fact that the Lord must be in Tallahassee. (since both "city" and "Tallahassee" end in long "e" sounds, it fits very nicely into the song.) I've seen Him everywhere lately. Out driving around, at school, on the bus, in the mail, even on the telephone. And that is a very encouraging thing. Not that He wasn't there before, I just don't think I paid very much attention. Much like you don't notice the crack in a glass until you decide to pour water into it.
I would like to point out that talking to Lori on ICQ and on the phone makes me feel like she's much closer than a continent away. I mean, it feels like I could hop on a bus and ride over to see her. The fact that she's 6,000 miles away takes a backseat when I talk to her. Technology is amazing. It almost makes me want to break out into Kip's song, but I'm really sick of Napolean Dynamite, so I will avoid that for now. (and please don't send me hate-mail because I said I'm sick of Napolean Dynamite. Save yourself the time and energy. Count back from 10 or something.)
To close my dreadfully boring post, I would just like to throw out that if you're in the Tallahassee area, you should come to Radooga share night tomorrow at Northwoods at 6:30. We have a game about Ukraine and everything. And Nicole and Tamara will be joining us via video. So please come, because it would be nice to have more than the normal 75 people there that normally come on Wednesdays. :0) Arrivederci!

An oldie, but a goodie. Arrrr.

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