Friday, September 16, 2005


So tonight in PCBS we started reading through Hebrews. Good stuff. But, while we were waiting for Ruth we went a little camera crazy... Lerah was trying to teach me how to take pictures of myself without actually looking at the camera. I think she needs to do some kind of workshop for me and Jenna, cause we just weren't getting it. It's like how Joshchik does his pictures. They always look so cool, and I just look...well...retarded...But, that's okay, some of us aren't cut out for the whole "I'm so cool I can look like I'm not even taking a picture of myself except that I'm taking a picture of myself" look, well, namely me. I'll leave the cool people like Lerah, Joshchik Tanya and Zhenya to be the cool ones. I'll show you me and Jenna's pitiful attempts anyway.

It was an exciting night. We learned about Jesus being the fufillment of Old Testament prophecies, we talked about spiritual warfare, read some of Daniel, my bed broke, and we drank coke zero and ate ukrainian strawberry chocolate.
But, I just got studying and now it's way past time for me to go to bed, so, arrivederci!


Todd G Sapp said...

that one Lerah did of her and Rachel is amazing. I would never have dreamed she was holding the camera!

Jenshka said...

Okay, you could have at least put the ones that were sort of good of me. I think I was starting to get the hang of it by the end, but I would totally be up for a workshop.