Thursday, September 22, 2005

So Good!

Today was such a great day. It really was. First I got to sleep in, which, in and of itself would make it a great day. Second, I got the greatest email from Lori, ever, and it had the best story in it ever, which hopefully she will share with you soon on her blog. Third, I had an epiphany that you know what? God is still in charge of the universe and my stressing out has absolutely no effect on the good that he's gonna do with or without me anyway. Fourth, it was Pink Carpet Bible Study night and that alone makes it a great day, but tonight was particularly awesome. I mean, wow. It was good. We read Hebrews 2 and talked about it and it was so cool to just hear what everyone was thinking and how God had been working in their lives. I love Lerah, Leah, Ruth and Jenna so much (and we missed Bakah and Rachel!) and they are such an encouragement to me. Leah had the most awesome insights on the last couple verses in Hebrews 2 and that was really neat. And then we prayed together and it was good. So good. I wish I just stopped and prayed with people more. My life would probably be a lot happier.
Oh! And Jenshka made carrot-cake cupcakes with a can of diet ginger-ale and they were seriously the best cupcakes ever. (I'm bringing you one tomorrow, Todd.) Y'all HAVE to try it. You just get a package of cake mix (doesn't matter what) and rather than putting anything into it, just throw a can of diet soda in there. Lemon lime and ginger-ale work best. No butter, no oil, no eggs. Just a can of diet soda. It makes the best cupcakes ever. Seriously. I didn't believe it until I tried it. I have Gaby to thank for that. :0)

Alright peoples, I'm gonna go read some book for some class that's s'posed to be read prob'ly by tomorrow... Arrivederci!


Jenshka said...

I need to make those awesome cupcakes more often. And just think, if they hadn't been out of Oreo Jell-O No-Bake stuff I wouldn't have made them. Oooh, I shudder at the thought.

Lori said...

Hey Vin, I'm glad you had a good day. That started my day off good :o) you're my favorite.

Rebekah said...

hello! I miss yall!